Chapter 2

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There is the sound of paws and claws tearing through the small house. When the first wolf breaks through the door, Edmund is giving the command to kill my mom and I. One of the larger wolves lunges at the vampire that is stalking toward me. He reaches me just in time, the same can't be said for mother, who I see crumple to the ground.  I try to fight my way through the carnage, but a pair of arms picks me up and carries me out of the room. I kick and flail attempting to break free, but the arms just won't let go.

There doesn't seem to be a person attached to those arms because before I can see who is carrying me they set me down gently but very abrupt, and sprint out of sight. I barely even notice that the wolves are fleeing the house and change back to there human forms, until one says the words, Burn it.

No, I think. My home that's my house, I grew up there, how can they just burn it. My life is there, and parents..... they're there  too. I get up, from where I was laying in the fetal position on the soft grass, and I start to crawl, not trusting my legs to walk. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I jerked away.

"Lucy, stop."

I know that voice, but I don't care. I'm beyond thinking, just acting. I hiss over my shoulder, at him, and just keep crawling toward the house. But its too late, they set fire to my life my home. I collapse on the plush grass, far past caring, just waiting for the blackness to take over.

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