Chapter 1

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        When I was a little girl my mother would always say to me that my name, Lucy or Lucinda, means "light" and that I could burn out all of the darkness in the world.

        Well, she was wrong. I wasn't light enough, I never was.

        Lets go back to when it happened, when it was just beginning.

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        I hadn't slept that night, at the time I thought that I wasn't tired, but now i realize that my mind was trying to warn me.

        Around midnight they came looking for me. I heard them down stairs, I heard my mothers scream, I heard my father denying that I was here. "She's gone, left hours ago."

        I knew this was my cue to leave, but how could I? I couldn't just let my parents die.

        " We have been monitoring your house for the past day, we know that she's here, so tell us where she is, and we might spare the insect."one of them says referring to my mother.

        "Don't call her that." My father says menacingly.

        "What? Insect? Its only a few steps above the Halfling" I can tell what he's doing. He's trying to provoke my father. He would have to kill him, Thomas, my father, right now, if attacked, if not he would take him back to the High Council of Vampires, for a trial. But my father is a special case, he turned away form the coven when he married my mother, he is considered a traitor.

        I can't let my parents die, I have to do something. I walk down stairs, avoiding the squeaking floorboards. The silence is eerie. I fling the door to my parents room open, just in time to see my father lunge at the man standing across the room from him.

        "No!" I scream, but I'm too late, the man is holding my father by the neck. He motions for somebody to grab me before I can runaway. But I couldn't possible try, I'm frozen to the floor.

        "What a waist of life, Thomas. You could have been King, instead you choose the life of a traitor." He sneers

        "Edmund, why did- " but he's cut off by the crack of his own neck snapping. My mother gasps and begins to sob, while I stare st the horror, that is my dead father laying on the ground, neck bent at an unnatural angle.

        I suddenly go into a blind fury, kicking and punching anything within my reach. Somehow I twist out of the grasp of the guard that was holding me. But I don't get far, only a few steps, until another guard takes hold of me. Edmund, obviously the leader, storms over to me. "You think you can escape? Stupid girl." He sneers, "If you try that again, we'll rip your wings off." He starts to turn away, and chuckles, "Not that you would miss them, you probably can't fly anyway."

        This statement snaps my mother out of her crying fit. She lets out a screech that would make you think she was a banshee. "How dare you. You kill my husband, then you insult my daughter," She stand up. "Get. Out." she hisses.

        Dumbfounded, all of us stare at her in shock. Finally, Edmund speaks up, "Did you just tell us to leave?" He asks incredulously. "Do you know how easily we could kill-" He's cut off by the sound of wolves howling.

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