Chapter 5

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Returning home, I let Angel out of his ball. I explain how Angel has chosen to join me, making him the first Pokémon Poochy and I have caught. Father offers a friendly smile with an extended hand, welcoming Angel to the family. Angel inspects him, quickly dismissing father.

"Well... that's rude." I comment.

"It's alright son, after everything that's happened over the years it is expected." Father cheerfully responds by rubbing the top of my head.

"I suppose you're right, but we are all family now."

Poochy, let's out a bark in agreement. Poochy runs towards my bedroom with Angel casually following behind. After we get a little rest, we will train over the week to prepare for our rematch!

I show Angel around our home and my room, wanting him to feel more comfortable. We relax for a bit, giving me time to talk with Angel and tell him my plans for the future and our team. He seems a bit curious but overall neutral. Turning on the TV, we watch the news and some beauty competitions. They don't particularly catch my attention, but it would be a lie if I were to say watching Champion Wallace with his Milotic was not interesting.

To no one's surprise, it does not take long for Poochy to get bored and want to be active. We went outside to begin training, Angel did many practice battles with Poochy, toughening her up, which eventually was made into a routine. In the mornings, the three of us go out for a jog, working on both speed and stamina. Eat breakfast, then they would spar again till late afternoon. Have lunch followed by an hour of down time. By then, we would practice our own dance skills while watching contests and Wallace. It was not meant to be part of our training, but felt it was helping for the three of us to build a closer bond with one another, or have Poochy attack my legs whenever I accidently stepped on her. Dinner at night with father, listening to the news as the four of us enjoyed a hot meal. Father would often stress about his upcoming trip. Saying in a week he would be heading to Dewford town to investigate the Granite caves. I said I'd join him, so after dinner I would both research Flannery's team while preparing for the trip while Angel and Poochy slept. Then repeat the next morning for the week.

When we returned to the Lavaridge Gym, I found Flannery finishing up repairing the battlefield from the previous day.

"Good morning!" I say eagerly to start.

"Good morning, Erebus!" Flannery responds cheerfully. "You seem in a particularly good mood today."

I take Angel's ball out of my pocket and hold it up with a big smile. Placing her hand on her hip, Flannery lets out a soft chuckle while maintaining a confident stance.

"I have heard about Angel joining your team, safe to assume that's where your confidence is coming from?" Flannery asks.

"I suppose that's a contributing factor, but I'm more prepared this time." I answer with Poochy taking a battle ready position.

"That's the spirit. I'm getting fired up!" Flannery says enthusiastically. We both take our positions on the battlefield. "You remember the rules?"

"Two pokemon, first to have both their pokemon faint losses?"

"Correct. However, as the challenger, you are allowed to switch your Pokémon at any time. With that said, Torkoal, found two!"

Flannery throws a pokeball onto the field, Torkoal emerges, exhaling black smoke. I pause before throwing Angel into battle, deciding to put his ball back in my pocket.

"Poochy, I choose you." I say calmly, watching Torkoal carefully.

Poochy does not hesitate to run onto the battlefield, head down with eyes on Torkoal growling.

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