Josee snaps out of it

Josee: Hmm? Oh yeah. Sure.

Cut to a world map, a plane takes off from what seems to be Hawaii and heads northeast

Don: Both flights are headed for Dubai, one hour ahead of the other. It'll be a quick flight-

his earpiece screeches, which causes him to cringe. He puts a finger to his earpiece

Don: What? Seventeen hours? Ouch. Well, plenty of time to rest and enjoy each others company.

Stephanie confessional: Seriously? You're giving ME the silent treatment? Oh-oh, two can play that game! I'm the queen of silent treatment! I've got a whole bag of quiet to drop on you!

Ryan confessional: I look forward to it.

Stephanie confessional: You just wait mister! YOU'RE ABOUT TO HEAR PINS DROPPING! IT'S GONNA BE A LIBRARY UP IN HERE! YOU'LL BE SO-

Ryan confessional: STILL! TALKING!

Back on the plane, the seatbelt warning goes off

Noah: I know the seatbelt sign's on, but why bother?

He tries to get out from under Owen.

Owen: It's comfy.

Owen confessional: Flying's the scariest! I usually squeeze my teddy bear, Beary, to get through it, buuuuut I swallowed him, so now I squeeze my Noah!

He grabs Noah into a hug, who gasps for breath

Owen: Hey, want the window seat?

Noah: Uh, gonna pass.

Owen looks to see Emma.

Owen: Really? But you always want the window seat. I wonder why you'd want to stay there? *laughs*

Kitty: I was thinking we form an alliance, with like I don't know... Noah and Owen.

Emma confessional: I have enough trouble keeping this one on track. With a whole other team to worry about. I wouldn't be able to ride her as much.

Kitty confessional: yep. We really need an alliance.

Emma: Noah's a snarky know-it-all. Do you have any idea what it's like to be around someone like that?

Kitty: I can't imagine. But they are pros. They know what's what.

Owen is now trying to buckle himself in, but the belt won't reach around him. He ends up releasing a toot, which causes the emergency oxygen packs to come down, everyone begins to cough

Noah: I'm gonna go to the toilets where, it smells better.

He goes to leave but bumps into Emma and they both share a smile.

meanwhile on the other plane, Jay frantically hits the maintenance button, a flight attendant rushes over

Jay: Stewardess!

Mickey groans in pain and holds his head, he had tissues in his nose

Jay: This altitude is giving my brother a nose bleed AND an inner ear infection!

The stewardess raises an eyebrow

Mickey: How much longer IS this flight?!

Taylor: We're still on the ground, you babies!

Pan out to show that they are still on the runway

Kelly: I like how you handled that, honey!

Taylor: *sarcastically* Oh, do I get a fake trophy for it?

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