love triangle

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Emma wake up it's 7am ur gonna be late
Yess mom just 5 min
No (angry tone)..not today wake up and eat ur breakfast ur dad went to work so if that orange or strawberry juice is spilled on you, you will have enough time to change and get back haha
MOM stooop m awake okeeyy
Yep my mom is making fun of me because of that stupid boy and I don't have enough time to have my everyday routine wow.. amazing
[Humm..what m going to wear today.. definitely not a white dress who knows what gonna happen today..] ( my inner voice)
Ahaa found it I'll wear my new cargo pants with a white t-shirt perfecto and I'll put just lip gloss ..(looking to my phone) oh no I'll be late to kai I have to go mom byee..i said
I went to the Jardin but kai wasn't there suddenly I heard his foot steps and yelled kai I'm here
Kai:[ Emma..and camed running and hugged me..] well my cheeks turned red and he said i Missed you and here is ur breakfast ur fav juice and fav Chocolat I said:[ missed you more kai you got way much taller and you definitely know what I want]
..we went to school together and lily saw us and camed running she said:[ tell me tell me are you finally dating please say yes..] I answered:[haha no girl not today , and kai smiled and he touched my hair and said:
[see you later Emma gonna miss too lily bye ]
And when I turned i saw that annoying boy was looking at us..I entered my class and got my site that annoying boy finally changed his place but I realized that idk his name and got curious so I asked the girl in front of me and she was like:[ow you don't know his name he is really hot and famous and hands..] I said:[aghh ik ik what's his name then?] She told me:[jack..] I continued my classe of science it was so boring and then..
[Bell ringing]
Jack bump into me and i said: watch ur steps.. he just looked at me and moved away and I saw kai and he said: guess what.. I'm changing my class to urs today..!] I was sooo happy that kai will be with me in the same
He camed after the break time finished and He sat with me but jack camed and said: it's my place move and he sat
[My face turned red]
kai said: Emma told me that you changed ur site
he looked at kai and said: idc it's my site... Mrs.jonsen camed and told me: Emma sit down class will begin now
Everyone was watching me and papers are coming and going [are you dating him??]..[it's like kdramas..!!].
[Love triangle is onn girll].../too many papers like that
I asked jack and said:[wtf are you doing] he whispered in my ear:[don't dare and think that i like you or something like this ew im bored so I will make my own vibes..]
And kai He got angry and threw a water bottle at him
The teacher told him to go out..
[Bill ringing]
I ran to kai and told him why you did this he said:[why he camed closer to you and he is trying to play with me haha funny I'll show him..]
Jack looked at kai with a mean look kai said to me:[sorry i have a basketball game I wouldn't be able to walk with you to home sorry.] I said [ it'sk kai bye] and he touched my hair again I felt with butterflies in my stomach
And went to home and I was thinking:[m i falling for kai..noo he is my best friend..]/ [why jack is playing this game with me..]
(Pip pip) I turned and it was mom we went to grocery then when we got back I went to bed and I called lily and told her what happened
Lily:[omg love triangle is on girl and it wouldn't be easy for you..]
Me:[lily you know what jack told me and kai he is just protecting me he know me Since we were in kindergarten]
Lily:[ girl ik but the real question why is jack acting like this..]
Me:[ he is a psycho don't you see he told me I'm bored so I'll make my own vibe aghh can't believe it im so angry.. I'll sleep a little bit lily gn..]
Lily:[gn and don't worry we will find a solution..]
[Rain drops..] I got out to walk cause I felt relaxing and i was Listening to my fav Spanish song ,i got excited and
Stared dancing I was looking selly and the real shock is when i turned i found jack was watching me with a smile in his face...
(Eyes contact)
I ran to the house and went to bed without thinking I felt so embarrassed...aghh

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