Chapter 8: Friends? Friends

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"What would you like for Christmas?", you ask him suddenly.

Theodore is a bit perplexed. He would have never guessed that you would do something for him, let alone buy him a Christmas present.

"Well...", he begins with a grin, wetting his bottom lip, "you could go on date with me."

You groan, pushing past him and continuing up a pair of creaky wooden stairs to reach a different section in the bookstore. This level is much quieter with almost nobody lingering around.

"Theo, you don't have to pretend because of the whole arranged marriage deal."

A sigh leaves Theodore's lips as he corners you against one of the bookshelves, one hand placed next to your head. "How many times do I have to tell you that it has nothing to do with that? I just want to get to know you better, darling."

Your cheeks heat up as you look up into his eyes. "Darling?", you ask.

"Yeah", he smirks, "if you are calling me Theo, I am calling you Darling."

You want to sputter out that it was an accident, but a cough makes the both of you turn around. A witch stands next to you, her face beet red. "May I please..?" The motions for the shelf behind you and Theodore quickly takes a step away and grabs your hand to pull you with him.

"Sorry", you say sheepishly and take your hand out of his. You both exit the bookstore, he with his cheeks flared up and you with heat creeping up your neck.

"Why are you so against the idea of me wanting to date you?"

You turn your head abruptly towards Theodore, eyes big. "What makes you say that?" Were you that obvious?

You pull Theodore towards an empty alley and lean against the wall. You run a hand over your face. "It's not that I'm against it. It's the fact that our free will is taken away from us, again. There is, for me at least, this pressure to be perfect. The perfect daughter, the perfect Slytherin, the perfect heir.

"But you don't know how it is growing up with who my mother is. She may be locked up. But everybody I got close to ended up scared of me, abandoning me, or dead. Dead, Theodore! I don't want- I can't do that to you."

Theodore knits his eyebrows together, a frown forming on his forehead. He reaches out but stops just before his knuckles graze your cheek. "What about friends?", he asks in a whisper.

"What about them?" You've chewed and nibbled at your bottom lip so that it started to bleed, the metallic taste hitting your tongue.

Theodore huffs in a mix of humour and frustration. "You and me, Black. At least give me that." A sly smirk grows on his face as he watches the corners of your mouth twitch. He's got you.

"Fine", you say in faux irritation, "friends."

He holds out his hand for you to shake. And when you do, he takes hold of your hand and tucks you under his arm. "So where to next friend?"

You laugh, shaking your head. "I was thinking of going to a muggle bookstore."

Theodore gasps dramatically, "a muggle bookstore? How very not perfect heir-like of you, (Y/n)."

A smile grows on your face as you and Theodore step through the portal to get back to muggle London. You know, if this is what a friendship is with Theodore, it might not be as bad.

Theodore lets you drag him all over muggle London, store after store. And before you knew it you had to run back to the Leaky Cauldron, bursting just in time through the doors.

Your eyes scan around the pub and don't spot Lupin. Thank Merlin.

Theodore drops next to you on a bench all out of breath. "Why", huff, "did we", huff, "need to be here", huff, "again?", huff.

Catching your breath yourself, you wheeze out, "I agreed to meet my ride back here at six o'clock. Looks like he's not here yet."

"Where are you even staying if not with the Malfoy's?"

You still for a moment. You can't tell him the truth. Or at least, not all of it. "I'm staying with a cousin", is your simple answer.

At that moment the door opens and in steps Lupin. He spots you immediately and nods towards you, a silent way of saying 'wrap up your conversation and let's go.'

"I'll see you back at Hogwarts, yeah?" You stand up and grab the shopping bags you accumulated. "Have a nice Christmas, Theo."

You wave and walk out of the pub, grab Lupin's arm and gone you are.

Once your feet hit the ground of the entrance and the dizzyness has ebbed away, you gasp out. 12 Grimmault Place is decorated from top to bottom in Christmas regalia. it's all a bit dusty and wonky, but the house still looks absolutely stunning. There is even a Christmas tree in the front room next to the fireplace.

Sirius anxiously stands at the end of the hall, hands wringing together. "I thought I- you've─"

Lupin steps forwards when his friend stumbles over his words. "Sirius thought you deserved a nice Christmas. Or at least a Christmas tree."

You can't help yourself and go to hug Sirius. You've known this man for a couple of days, but you already know he is the kindest person on this earth.

"Thank you, Sirius. It's amazing."

Sirius wraps his arms around and you return the hug. "No problem, kid. Merry Christmas."

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