i lean against one of the lockers, arms crossed and looking at Bebe who stands next to me.

"So, what's wrong?" i ask, tilting my head at the blonde.

she sighs, and places a hand on my shoulder, leaving me to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Kyle." she says, a dead-serious expression on her face. she stands in hiatus, as i wait in thought, until she continues. "You know how Wendy broke up with Stan, right?"

"Yeah, Stan told us about it. Because she thought he was gay, or something." i respond, trying to read the expression of the girl who stood by my side.

"That wasn't just it," Bebe says with slight aggression, before pausing again.

i stand awkwardly, not wanting to speak up incase she wasn't done, and would get mad at me for interrupting, then scratch me or something.

"She left Stan because she thought he was gay, yes, but also because she thought he loves you."

well he didn't bring that up, i think to myself, slightly surprised by this news. "Why would she think that?" i bring myself to ask, unfolding my arms and looking at Bebe with pure curiosity.

"I don't know, but... ugh, it's hard to say because Wendy's my best friend, and as bad as I feel for her that her ex loves someone else, I think she's right."

"You do?" i raise my eyebrows, confused as fuck.

"Yeah. Wendy's the smartest in the class, along with you. She's always been good at observing things, picking up on things other people might not even notice."

i listen intently to Bebes rambling, making sure to remember everything she tells me.

"She's so good at noticing things, she can see things other people don't even notice about themselves."

"Like what?" i ask.

"She told me, before she dumped Stan, that she'd notice all these small things throughout her relationship with that guy."

Bebe pauses, collecting her memories together to form them into words. i patiently wait, intrigued.

"She said how enthusiastic he would be to talk about you, how his eyes would.. light up at your name, but not hers. She noticed the small signs way before she left him, and I think Stan doesn't even notice his own feelings yet."

oh wow.

"She told me that she knew Stan loves you, she could see it in every action he did. She just.. stayed with him in the hopes that one day, he could get as excited over her name as he does for yours."

i feel my face heat up slightly at Bebe's speech, feeling embarrassed and flustered.

"She really thinks he likes me?"

the blonde nods, a sad smile on her face. "You should really tell him how you feel, if you like him back that is. As sorry as I am for Wendy, because I know how much she loves Stan, I'm positive she'd want him to be happy. It's been almost a week since they both broke up, and Stan's been more..." she hesitates, looking for the right word.

"Miserable?" i finish, and she nods again. "I know what you mean, I've noticed it too."

"I think it'd help him if he had someone there for him. He doesn't need a friend right now, he doesn't need help pushing his emotions aside. What he needs is help sorting them out. He needs someone to help him realise his feelings. If that makes sense." she says, and i nod in understanding.

"So what you're saying is, you think I should help him recognise his... «feelings for me»? Isn't it too soon? I mean, I get there's a sense of urgency right now, but it's been less than a week since he and Wendy broke up."

"Urgency? Like what? Actually I don't really care. But you don't need to date him if it's too soon, just let him know you love him too, and you'll be there for him once he's ready." Bebe smiles supportively at me, and i smile back.

i never knew she could be this sweet, i think to myself. "Thank you Bebe, really." i say, and she pulls out her phone.

"Put your number in here," she starts, handing me her phone. "Change your contact, then let me know how it goes. Tell him today, tomorrow, I don't care, just don't wait too long, and tell me everything."

i put my number into her phone, changing the contact to my name, then handing her device back to her. "Alright, will do."

i turn around after hugging and waving bye to Bebe, to see Stan leaning against the frame of the exit doors, waiting for me.

"Hi Stan," i smile, walking up to him,

"Hey." he says bluntly, standing upright and holding the door open for me to walk out.

i let out a small, breathy laugh, before stepping through and outside the school, then walking down the path with Stan by my side.

"Did you give her your number?" he asks suddenly, and i look over at him, and nod.

he looks back at the path infront after seeing my confirmation. "Why?"

"To keep in touch, I guess." i shrug, continuing to walk with the boy i love.

"And you both hugged."

"It was a friendly thing."


we continue walking in silence, approaching my house. Stan's still avoiding my gaze, with an expression i can faintly read. jealousy, it seems to be.

an ugly type of love, but love nonetheless.

a small smile appears on my lips, and we stay silent, listening to the birds singing, and the rustling leaves fighting against the wind.

"Want to meet up tonight?" i ask, keeping my stare locked infront.

"Tonight?" Stan repeats.

"Yeah. I can knock on your window at midnight, and we can sneak out."

"To do what?" he turns to face me, with a confused expression.

"You'll see," i smile, and we pause outside the front of my house. "Make sure you're awake!"

make a move make a move make a move

"Okay," Stan responds, waving at me as i approach the front door of my house.

now or never.

i open the front door, turning back at the boy who watched me. i blow him a kiss, before closing the door.

oh god why did i do that.

i love Bebe sm. idk why people make her into a pick me in fanfics, she's amazing<3

[1625 words]

His Jars of Hyacinths (STYLE)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя