The Saiyan and Princess

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Quick Q&A:

Why did Goku get flustered last chapter?

You got to remember that this is Goku raised as Shido, which makes him a mix of both personalities.


Still sprawled on the floor of the physics prep room, Goku let out a tired sigh, his ears catching the sound of the school bell ringing.

It had been ten grueling days since the training with Kotori and Reine had kicked off. From dawn till dusk, he had poured all his energy into "training."

Finally, Goku had reached the game's happy ending screen. The number of times he had failed and been called names like "Rapist," "Sex Offender," or "Pervert" was countless, but he shrugged it off.

Those words didn't mean much to him, and he didn't care to dwell on them either.

"...Nn, quite a bit of time has passed, but I reckon we've cleared the first hurdle."

"And it looks like he went through all the CGs, so I suppose that counts as a passing grade for now........... But in the end, it's just dealing with virtual girls."

Goku let out another sigh. So they were telling him it was all for naught?

"Well then, onto the next phase of training..."

Goku's eyes widened, a spark of anticipation flickering within. Maybe this meant he could learn to defend himself against spirits, allowing him to train the way he really wanted to-

"Let's move on to real females. Time's running out, you know."

"Hm, think he'll be okay?"

"Don't you worry. Even if he fails, the only thing that'll be lost is society's trust in my hopeless brother."

Goku had been quietly listening to their conversation, but his sister's lack of faith gnawed at him, and he couldn't help but chime in.

"I can tell you don't have much faith in your brother..."

"Oh? Were you eavesdropping? You still got those weird hobbies, huh? You voyeuristic peeping Tom." Kotori frowned, her hand covering her mouth, and said.

"Uh, sure..."

Goku stood up before the two girls and said, "So you want me to talk to real girls now?"

"Yeah. Let's see... I wonder who'd be a good fit?"


Goku tilted his head to the side, watching as Reine operated the console in front of her. Images of different parts of the school appeared on the displays.

"...Right, let's start with someone safe. How about her?" Reine pointed to the image on the right, showing the teacher, Ms. Tamae.

Kotori raised an eyebrow for a moment. "Ahh, I see. That works. Let's go with it." A mischievous grin formed on her face.

"...Goku, the next phase of training has been decided."

"What kind of training are we talking about here?"

Goku asked. Acknowledging his question, Reine replied, "...For now, you gotta charm Teacher Okamine Tamae."

"Okamine Tamae? Alright... Wait a second. WHAT?"

"Got a problem with that?"

Kotori couldn't help but chuckle at Goku's reaction. "Of course there's a problem! Isn't it wrong for teachers and students to... you know... get all lovey-dovey?"

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