Carried Away by a Wolfs Hair

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A few years have passed. Mao is now 6 years old, he started to act more like the wild animals. Walking on all fours and making weird squeaky war crys. Mao was a energetic kid who can imitate other animals but is very shy. He has trouble fitting in with the others just because he's so different. He normally avoids Kerchak just by hiding away from him. 

Mao and Kala walk around the jungle for a nice breather. "Sorry mom, now I have this orange stuff all over my face now..." Mao went to play around the pallete flowers yesterday and manage to get orange paint on his face. Kala sighed in relief "It's alright, just don't play near those flowers. The paint can get into your mouth." A snake and a orangutan suddenly jumped Mao. They both started to playfully wrestle with him. "Coby! Tanner! Stop hahaha!" Coby and Tanner were two friends of Mao who actually act as one. Coby is a sassy snake who has a crown on his head left by a local outsider who was a king. Tanner is a orangutan who doesn't even speak he is the kindest one in the friend  group. "Now boys, you can goof around over there you're gonna knock down the berry tree" Kala ordered. The kids were just rolling around the deep jungle. They all ended up bumping into Kerchak. Coby and Tanner grabbed Mao. "Oh haha, hey sir! We were just ummm..." Coby's scales started to sweat. Mao was on Tanner's back gripping on his fluffy orange fur in shock. "I'm sorry, Kerchak I didn't mean to bump into you!!" Kerchak gave them a dirty look not saying a word. "Oh ummm haha, we should get going now! Ahahahaha!" The kids slowly scooted away from Kerchak. "Run." Coby whispers as the kids run away. They sprinted all the way to the great waterfall of wolves.  

"Phew that was close, that guy would've tried to kill us by now!" Coby starts to run his mouth on and on about Kerchaks prescence. Mao rolled his eyes and turns to see the beautiful waterfall, Tanner decided to see it with Mao. "...we could've been bopped, crushed or even-" "Coby, shut up! Loook!" Mao grabs Coby's snake tail and makes him turn around. The sounds of the waterfall crashed on the beautiful river going across the jungle. The river was full of wolves bathing in the water with the mist flowing in the air. "Now thats a lot of wolves!" Coby's eyes sparkled. A bush behind them rustled and a tanuki showed up. "Yo hey!" the pink tanuki popped up. "Oh, hey Tanya..." Coby curls his tail in a swirl rolling his eyes. Tanya was a trouble making tanuki who is a dare devil. She would do anything wild and crazy. "Now Coby, who's this pipsqueak? He looks like he's not from here!" Tanya walks up to Mao squishing his face and stretching it. " nnamu ish Maaoouu...?" Mao said as he is getting stretched around. Tanya eventually stops and lets him go. 

"Now what do you want Tanya?" Coby asks. Tanya looks at the waterfall. Coby, Tanner, and Mao started to stare at the bottom. "Well, I was about to have a nice day basking in the sun..but I just had an idea." Tanya giggles at Mao, Mao was confused. Tanya shoves Mao near the edge of the cliff they both look down at the river and the wolves. "I want Mao, to go down there and swim into the river and take one piece of a wolves hair!" Tanya smirked and Mao gulped. "WHAT?? ARE YOU INSANE??" Coby yells at Tanya. Coby snatched Mao and Tanner walks and gets behind Coby. "Hey, don't let that beady-eyed tanuki let you do those dumb tricks. You know how Kala and I would be worried about you! You should go back with Kala." Mao listens to Coby and walks back "Oh, alright..."

Tanya puts her paw on her face. Coby turns around scolding at Tanya. Tanner finds a random banana and eats it. "Y'know I gotta leave as well so lets go Tanner. We gotta-" Coby was cut off by Mao running and doing his squeaky war cry. Mao jumps of the edge falling down as mist blows on his face. "NOOO!!" Coby was gripping onto Tanner's fur sobbing. The group looks down at Mao falling, "AHHHHHHH!!!" Mao screams and slams into the water face fowards hitting him really hard, he then sinks into the water. "Ouhhh! That's really gotta hurt..." Tanya also gripped onto Tanner's fur as well. Then a shadow in the water moved, "Wait look!" Coby lets go of Tanner and watches the shadow. The shadow eventually pops up, Mao was swimming up to the wolves. "Ohoho! He's alive!" Coby sobs in relief. But notices that Mao was swimming closer to the wolves "Wait woah woah - come back! COME BACK!!" Tanya and Coby start to panic. The three ran back into the forest, "Kerchak is going to kill me!!" 

Back at the river, Mao swims up to the wolves sneaking up to them. "Mom, is this water sanitary?" a little wolf cub lightly touches the water and looks at his refection, he was a bit paranoid. "Yes Bao Bao, now go in and get yourself cleaned up..." Bao Bao's mother replied. Before Bao Bao goes in, he notices little sharp pointy thing popping out. Bao Bao jumps out and ran to his mother. "AHH!! LOOKOUT" he rushes to the water again to warn the others. Bao Bao was jumping up and down panicking and begging for every one to look out. "What do you need, Bao Bao?" Bao Bao's mother looks back at him shivering. "Th-There's a pirhanna!! It's coming after you!! We gotta run-"  Bao Bao's mother pats his head. "Oh honey stop freaking out, I told you there is no pirhranna's in the Emerald Jungle, right guys?" There were two other wolves with them. "Yeah no such thing" "Nope no pirhanna's here". The shadow came closer to one of the adult wolves. "AHH! It's right behind you!" Bao Bao was going to cry. Bao Bao's mother lifted up his chin "How many times do I have to tell you there's no pirhannas in the Emerald Jun-" But then the other wolf screamed "MY BUTT! SOMETHINGS ON MY TAIL!!" 

Mao was swinging around the fluffy wolfs tail the wolf was jumping aroung going in circles. "I told you!" Bao Bao yelped. The wolf was jumping around so much to the point where Mao was flying through the air screaming in fear. SPLASH! All the other wolves noticed the situation. They all surrounded the river. Suddenly Mao popped out of the water with his sharp teeth gasping for air. "PIRHANNA!!"  the wolf pack screamed and ran away for their lives running around Mao. 

Tanya, Coby and Tanner see everything. Tanya and Coby kept tugging on Tanners arms. "Oh he's dead." Tanya uttered. They suddenly heard the sounds of barking and wimpering. "We're Dead!" Coby screamed. The wolves started a whole stampede into their side of the jungle. Tanner grabs on a vine and climbs on as Tanya and Coby were gripping on his arms. It was chaos, the wolves' stampede started to cause destruction to the jungle. The animal tribes were running away. Kerchak jumps into action seeing a baby gorilla trying to run away from the wolves. Kerchak swoops in to save it. The wolves went away. The jungle was in a absolute mess. Some of the wolves somehow broke one of the orange emeralds. Thankfully, none of the other animals were killed. Mao was on the ground unconscious. 

Tanner got down from the vine and Bao Bao showed up. Tanya leaves and runs away. "Watch out! That pirhanna might rip your flesh out in seconds!" he spun around in fear. Coby got frustrated and yelled at Bao Bao. "He's not a pirhanna you idiot! He's-" Mao suddenly coughs and gasps for air, struggling to get up. "He's alive!" Coby hugs Mao with his tail. Bao Bao gets confused and stood there as Coby's eyes start to bawl. "You...idiot!!" Coby tightly squeezes Mao as now he's more frustrated. "You almost gave Tanner and I a heart attack! You happy?" "Mhm!" Mao pulled out the wolfs hair. It was only two strands of grey hair. Coby stood in shock. "You actually got the hair?!? That's actually should tell Tanya this!" Mao turns his head around looking for Tanya. "Where is she?" Mao asked. "She's probably just jealous that she can't do a stunt like that" Mao and Coby giggled.  The animals were walking around looking at their destroyed plants. They start to see some of the broken emeralds as well. All of them were in distress. Kerchak spots Mao sitting there knowing that he was the one resposible for the chaos. Kala rushed up to the boys she hugged Mao. "Mao! Boys, are you okay?" Kala asked. The boys shooked their heads. "What happened?" Kerchak asks as he glares at the kids. Coby hides behind Tanner. Tanner takes two steps back. Mao walks up to him feeling ashamed. "It was me. I'm sorry it's all my fault..." "You almost killed someone!" Mao stepped back trembling. "But it was an accident!" Mao cried. Kala picked up Mao trying to defend him. "He's only a child, Kerchak." The kids were just watching them argue while Mao was just in the middle of everything. "Just give him a chance!" Kala yelled. "What do you mean give him a chance? Look at him! He will never be one of us!" after hearing those words Mao couldn't take it anymore his eyes started to water and his lips quivered. He jumped out of Kala's back and ran off crying. "Mao, wait!" Kala tries to call out for Mao. She runs off to go find him.

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