To Survive (1 of 1)

Start from the beginning

I turn around and I don't see anyone following me. I keep on running for a second before stopping and catching my breath behind a tree.

I think I've lost him! I speak to myself.

I place my hand on my chest and feel my heart beating quickly.

Come on Y/n! You've gotta calm down and keep running.

I take a deep breath and start running again. I stumble over a tree branch and let out a loud yelp as I fall hard onto the floor, all my breath gets knocked out of me. I stay there on the floor for a second before attempting to get up.

Something catches my ankle and I fall back onto the floor.

"What the fuck!"

I turn and look at what my ankles caught on and I see him again. The Ghostface.

With one hand gripping the top of this stupid towel, I try to kick myself free but he drags me closer to him. As a result, I get fresh cuts from branches sliding on my skin and dirt flys everywhere. My towel is hanging on by a thread.

The man grabs my wrist and holds them above my head with one hand. He's on top of me and his knife is in his free hand.

"I don't-!" I cry. "Wha- why are you trying to kill me?"

The man places a finger to my lips and shushes me.

"Ha, trying? From where I'm sittin' I'm succeeding..." he states. "You got any last words?"

The man raises his knife and more tears fall down my cheeks as I cry harder.

"Please...please." I sob, my voice shaking as I cry. "I-I'll do any- a-anything you want! Just please let me go!"

The man tilts his head to the side, pondering.

"Hmmm..." he hums.

I feel his eyes scan over my body. My towel is loosely around my body, and one of my boobs is threatening to slip out of this towel. The man shakes his head.

"Am I really about to fuck a random girl in the middle of the-?" He scoffs mid sentence.

He loosens his grip on my wrist and then tightens them again.

"If you try anything, anything at all...I'll fuckin kill your ass, you understand?"

I nod my head quickly and more tears fall from my eyes. These ones are tears of relief.

The man lets me go and stands up.

I wipe my eyes and more tears come.

As I'm tying to stop crying, I hear a zipper unzip and the shuffling of clothes.

"Stop cryin' and come over here and suck before I change my mind."

I wipe my eyes once last time and crawl over to the man. He's got no pants on, only his black boxers.

I grab the waistband of his boxers and slowly slide them down.

Let's Play a Game (Ghostface x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now