Chapter 5

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"Sumo... I'm going on a mission tomorrow" Shravan caresses her hair when she's deep asleep on the sofa chair.

"I need to leave for Bhopal today at 2. Do wait for me love and I'll be back pretty soon."

"I know you'll be pretty pissed with me... Your goofy barbie doll knows to pacify you"

Shravan wears his washed clothes, tie, and coat and leaves with his green goggles.

It's 2:30 and Suman wakes up from a huge sleep.

"Shravan?" She looks around the room and finds no one. She wakes up and checks the shower room. He's not there. She tries to call him but it says switched off.

Suman freshens up and combs her hair. Takes her bag and phone and leaves the room.

"He left a while ago ma'am" replied a woman at the reception counter.

Why? Why did he leave without informing me?

Basi comes to Suman's home as he was bored alone without his buddy. He rings the doorbell.

Suman comes down in a black sleeveless t-shirt and faddish red palazzo.
She opens the door and he gives a wide smile.

"Come inside AB" commanded Suman in a sad tone. "What happened Sim? You look sad" asked basi

"Nothing AB"

"Look Sim, I know you well. You better share everything otherwise AB will kill you with his superpowers" snapped Basi

They went to Suman's balcony and both sat on the swing with their Pepsi cans.

Suman shared everything about what happened yesterday to him.

"He left without telling anything to me"

"he left for a mission Sim, to Bhopal" replied Basi
"Bhopal? Our home country" asked Suman

Basi nods his head

"you know what AB, I hate him soo much. He can't even inform a huge thing"

"Woah woah, you started hating him soon after fn. Chill Sim" said Basi
"fn?" asked Suman with a frown.
"First Night" Basi with a huge smile
Suman throws an empty Pepsi can on him and Basi runs towards the balcony door.

"Do inform me when I become an uncle. I'm ready to babysit babies"

"shut up!!!" screamed Suman

It's been 2 days since Suman saw Shravan. She makes herself busy by attending to patients and drawing during her free time.

Shravan reaches back to his Kashmir flat which he's sharing with Basi in a royal blue shirt & jeans with green goggles.

"ahh buddy, I missed you" Basi gives a huge hug to Shravan

"but I didn't miss you" Shravan smirks

"Woahh, my buddy changed. Sim brainwashed my buddy." Basi pretends to be shocked with his hands on his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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