06- End of An Era, Beginning of Another

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I grumbled as my mom shook me awake. Today was my farewell. It had been 13 years since I studied at this school. I was going to miss it.

I woke up at 5 a.m. and freshened up while my dad ironed my clothes. I would usually wear a western outfit, but this time I decided on going traditional. I thanked my dad and went to my bedroom to get ready.

A few minutes later, my mom came in to do my hair and makeup. My dad kept taking photos and videos, not that I was complaining. I knew these memories would be cherished forever.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nostalgia. I was a bit upset as my hair looked really frizzy and there was normal time to straighten it. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to the place that had shaped me into who I am today.

Before I knew it, it was already 7.30 am! I quickly ate my breakfast and then put my jewellery on. My dad snapped a couple more pictures and reached me to school.

As I walked through the school gates, I couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous energy. The familiar faces and corridors that once felt like home now seemed daunting as I prepared to embark on a new chapter of my life.

I passed by a few classmates, not daring fo look at them. Although it had been 6 months I was still guilty about hiding the account from them.

I entered the classroom with a nervous smile on my face. My eyes scanned the room for Loren. A sudden embrace from behind caught me off guard.

"Hey, Val," I chuckled, "You look absolutely stunning."

Valerie beamed. "Thank you, Katherine. You're radiant, like a princess."

"Thanks, Val," I replied, relief washing over me.

"Where's Loren? And the others?"

"They haven't arrived yet. But, let's take some pictures! I don't have a single one with you."

As Val and I posed for pictures, the emotions of the farewell day swirled around us-an intoxicating blend of excitement and nervousness.

A few moments later, Loren and the rest of our friends entered the classroom, their faces filled with a mix of emotions. We hugged, laughed, and took pictures together, trying to capture every last memory of our time here.

Soon we were called to the church for mass. The familiar hymns filled the church as we made our way down the aisle, our footsteps echoing in the grandeur of the building. The atmosphere was a mix of reverence and excitement, a reflection of the bittersweet moment we were all experiencing.

I remembered the way I would admire my seniors dressed up for their farewell. I would count how many years were left for ours. Time just flew by. Now it was our farewell. But I must admit we dressed a bit too fancy. One would say we were to attend a ball.

I couldn't help but steal glances at my friends, each dressed elegantly, their faces a mosaic of emotions. Loren, Val, and the others, we had shared so many moments together, from the classroom to the playground, and now, here we were, about to embark on different paths.

As the priest began the mass, his words resonated with all of us. He spoke of endings and new beginnings, of letting go and moving forward, and it struck a chord deep within. The church's stained glass windows filtered the morning light, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the pews.

As the mass concluded, we filed out of the church, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and unity. The journey ahead might be uncertain, but we carried with us the bonds we had forged and the memories we had created.

Back at school, we continued clicking pictures. Loren and I decided to take a walk around the school grounds, visiting our favorite spots one last time. We sat on the same bench where we had often shared secrets and dreams.

Andrew called me to click a few pictures with them. To my surprise everyone seemed to have gotten over the prank.

"Hey Jamie, do you hate Katherine?"

"What? No."

"Haha she would always say that everyone hates her. See Katherine, I told you. Nobody hates you."

"Is this why you weren't talking to me? I've always wanted to talk to you" Jamie chuckled.

"Um yeah?" I chuckled at my stupidity.

Suddenly, Sean's voice cut through the air. "You've been ignoring me," he accused.

I tried to deny it, "No, I haven't."

"Stop lying," he retorted, "Ever since I discovered your secret Instagram account, you've been avoiding me."

I couldn't argue with his words-they were true. Searching for a resolution, I offered, "Do you want to take a picture together?"

Despite the awkwardness, it felt good to have a moment of reconciliation. As the camera captured our smiles, it was a reminder that friendships could withstand misunderstandings and mistakes.

The day continued with various farewell activities, from heartfelt speeches and skits to singing and dance performances. There were a few games and spot prizes too.

Loren, Val, and I sat together, reminiscing about the pranks we had played, the secrets we had shared, and the adventures we had embarked on throughout our school years. Our laughter echoed through the room, a testament to the enduring friendship we had built.

As the day drew to a close, we gathered once more in the school courtyard for lunch and desert. We the clicked pictures with our teachers.

It was a bittersweet ending to an era, but it was also the beginning of another. The journey of a lifetime had officially begun, and I couldn't wait to see where life would take me and the friends who had been with me through it all.

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