Oh, yeah. Oooh, ahhh, that's how it always starts.

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You wake up and check the time. 8:30. You go ahead and get dressed.

Your outfit:

You still feel weird but go and make your way to the Pachy arena

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You still feel weird but go and make your way to the Pachy arena. You make your way to a seat and wait for the show to start. After about 3 minutes, the gates open up to reveal a pachycephalosaurus or pachy for short.

There are two exactly ready to see who's the alpha, the crowd goes ballistic while you are very quiet and want to focus on the fight. the horn sounds and the fight begins. the two pachys charge at each other, slamming their heads together. each one keeping preasure and not backing down. then they both back off each other and start circling one another slowly and pricisely. While everyone is screaming their heads off you were watching closely and recording their behavior and drawing them. Then back to them slamming their heads and shoving each other with them. then finally pachy #2 finally makes one big shove and knocks the other down proving that its the alpha. you and the crowd goes wild . then suddenly the pachy looks at you and you stare back, then the pachy just walked off along with the other. The crowd leaves and you step out the arena and walk back to gyroshpere valley.

You strap in and drive off, ready for the next adventure ( and ready to find out what that mystery dino looks like up close) as you drive as see sauropods co-existing with herbavores like corythosaurus. Its exrordinary, out of this world even....you stop the vehicle and draw the scene happening in front of you. A watering hole with sauropods drinking from it along with parasolroulphus' resting or sleeping on the green grass along with corythosaurus' and galliminus prancing around, with sinoceratops walking around shaking the ground underneath them. its the most peace bringing moment you've ever seen in every sense of the word. As you finish up the drawing, you continue on the path. then...sirens blare and the automatic voice says..."attention jurassic world, we have an asset out of containment, THIS IS NOT A DRILL, please evactuate to the nearest shelter immedietly." Of course you were too far from anything and you didnt want to risk this "asset" because you try to make it to safety...so you stay put.

Until you look back and see all the dinosaurs mingling by the water...ARE GONE. this is bad..isnt it? your question was answer by a herd of anklosaurus' rushing towards you. in that moment you froze in fear, until you remember what your mother said..."don't die out there, come back to me okay?" and if that wasnt enough..your fight or flight response was and once it kicked your brain said one thing : RUN,NOW. so you kicked that gyroshpere into drive and did not look back. the only thing that stopped you was one of their hammered tail bashing the glass, throwing you and the gyrosphere out the way and into a tree unside down. as you watch them pass by you you realize something..they weren't rushing towards you but instead running from something else. you tried to move the gyrosphere but sadly no luck. so you gotta walk...greattt. you braced yourself for impact and *click* *BOOM* straight belly pounded the ground and crawled through the hole that ankylosaurus made with its tail. you checked yourself for any fatal or critical damage and after that you kept a steady pace. not too slow to be eaten and not to fast to become prey, as your walking you feel this sense of fear...fear of the unknown. fear of not knowing whats happening, of not knowing where you are, fear of not knowing if you might or might not get to safety, it was slowly consuming you.

as you walking you find...people specificly from the ACU (asset containment unit) as you walk to them, they see you and "HANDS UP NOW!" you put your hands up and say "i mean no harm,i-i-i-i just want to get to safety... i need to get out of here..." as you tell them exactly what happened to have you in this position they seem to understand. they then tell you that this 'asset' is named the indominus rex and it is highy dangerous along with its abilities, the rest...classified. "miss, we are gonna get you sa-" *CRUNCH* the indominus rex bites down on the captain as you scream your head off and duck due to the gun shots. the indominus rex, clearly annoyed, offs the team one by one. as your starting to see a pattern you see bloodsoaked keys on the ground, car keys. you quickly grab them and dart to the car and start it up. as you drive off you see the indominus rex kill the last few people left and start to chase you followed by a series of roars and growls. as you drive faster you see and helicopter shooting at the indominus driving her off elsewhere. as you finally calm down and drive slower you take a minute to process things.

as you're processing things you realize this explains that weird feeling you've been getting. this is why... so then you start the car again not wanting to be in the same place too long and drive back to the park. as your drive you slow down the car as you see a ceratosaurus in your path, you stay calm and let it walk by, it just stares at you and you stare back, its huffs and continues walking along, you give it some time before continuing driving until you notice...that a ceratosaurus...is carnivorous and each carnivore in the parks has its own enclousure..which means...the dinosaurs are breaking out, no doubt. so with this new information you've learned you proceed driving with caution. As you're driving the car runs out of gas, welp, time to get walking again. so you do and as your walking you come across.....a innovation center, but it looks old. thats when it hit you and you smile. you're in jurassic park. you climb the stairs and sneak in through the front door and look for anything useful until you find a taser, and stun gun. as you keep walking you see an old jurassic park truck and look for the keys and as your about to jump in the car, you see a piece of amber, you take the fragment and strap in.

You start the car and after some stuttering the engine finally starts and you burst out and drive to a shelter, to safety. you wonder if that mystery dino is behind this. within about 45 minutes of the drive, you see a wounded dinosaur sleeping. you decide to help it so you slowly and quietly get out the car and grab a med pack. you slowly creep up to the dinosaur (the closer you got to it, the bigger it got.) and you discreetly tie a belt around its mouth ( you wanna give yourself as much leverage to survive this as you can just in case this goes wrong) and then you wrap up its leg in bandage wrap and and tape his hip up with medical tape, you also medicate his face as he does have claw marks along his head. as you take in his apperance, you notice his quills on his head and on the very front of his tail along with some armor like plates near his head, along with his huge and sharp claws along with more quills on his elbows, and a big stripe running along both his sides starting at the end of his jawline all the way down to the end of the middle of his tail.

 as you take in his apperance, you notice his quills on his head and on the very front of his tail along with some armor like plates near his head, along with his huge and sharp claws along with more quills on his elbows, and a big stripe running ...

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Imagine this but with a yellow stripe instead :D
He was a rather handsome dinosaur (NO, NOT IN THAT WAY EWW) he definitely wasn't an ugly one like some of the ones you've seen before. He actually was pretty cool looking and kinda terrifying but you could tell he was a male and he looked Kinda...unhappy..miserable even. You don't question it. you leave behind a tooth necklace and head back to the car and continue driving.

Little did you know..he wasn't asleep...he was playing possum....

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