Visit to the aquarium

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Naël smiled happily

"You like them, mommy ?

- Of course, my heart, I adore them so much, they are so beautiful" Smiled Jasmine tenderly, tenderly kissing her son on the cheek again and tenderly placing a hand on his cheek

Naël smiled happily, cuddling tenderly against his mother

"I love you mommy

- I love you too my heart" Mumurated tenderly Jasmine, tenderly cuddling her son against her and tenderly kissing him on the head, tenderly burying her face in his beautiful black hair, the same as hers

Jasmine also tenderly drew Leïla against her and thus tenderly and lovingly hugged Leïla and Naël against her, kissing them tenderly and lovingly on the head and tenderly hugging her face in their beautiful black hair, the same as hers

"I love you my treasures, with all my heart, I love you my babies, I will always love you, you, your sisters, Lady, the puppies and your daddy you are the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in life and you are what I hold dearest in the world, never forget it, my treasures"

Leïla and Naël nodded tenderly, cuddling even more tenderly against their mother

Jasmine kissed and cuddled her children even more tenderly against her

At the same time, Dally came into the room

A tender and happy smile naturally appeared then on Dally's face when his gaze fell on his wife and their children

"My wonders" He thought tenderly before tenderly approaching his wife and children and tenderly and lovingly kissing his Jasmine on the head, tenderly taking her head in his hands and burying his face tenderly and lovingly in her beautiful black hair

Surprised, Jasmine jumped a little and a tender smile naturally appeared on her face, tenderly looking up at her husband

"My love" Smiled Jasmine tenderly, looking at her Dally with love and tenderness

Smiling tenderly, Dally kissed his Jasmine tenderly and lovingly, tenderly and lovingly burying his tongue in her mouth and tenderly and lovingly stroking her beautiful black hair

Jasmine smiled tenderly into the kiss

Dally tenderly kissed then Leïla and Naël on the head

The twins smiled happily, happily turning their heads towards their father

"Daddy !

- Are you ready to go to the aquarium, my loves ?" Asked Dally tenderly

Leïla and Naël shook their heads negatively

"Go finish getting ready then, my treasures" Said Dally tenderly, kissing his children tenderly on the forehead

Smiling happily, Leïla and Naël nodded happily

"Mommy, can you braid my hair afterwards ?" Asked Leïla happily, as she and her twin brother happily turned their heads towards their mother

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now