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episode two

JADYN RIVERS had never been one of the popular girls at school; she kept to herself, and she liked it like that. The two main friends she had were Eli Moskowitz and Demetri Alexopoulos; the three of them were considered freaks by many at the school. Eli had a scar on his lip; Demetri was a geek; and Jadyn had been known for her former troublemaking past.

Jadyn didn't like to go into many details about her past, but let's just say, she had a reputation at school. It's one of the many reasons why her former best friend, Samantha Larusso dropped her as a friend; she couldn't handle the attitude and violence.

The only other person besides her two best friends who didn't judge her for her past was her boyfriend, Jesse Navarro; she didn't understand why he'd want to go out with someone like her. He was popular, she wasn't-- He had every other girl in the school begging for his attention, but he wanted her.

Speaking of the couple, the two had currently been laid, cuddled in his bed while the tv had played in the background. "So, are you excited to go back to school tomorrow?" she questioned as she looked up at him.

"Excited? I don't think I would exactly use that term," Jesse stated. "The only reason I'd be happy to go to school is to see you." Jadyn smiled up at him as she rolled her eyes, playfully, nudging his shoulder in the process.

"I still don't know why you did it," Jadyn commented. "I mean, you ended up getting suspended for three days, for what?"

"That guy was saying shit about you," Jesse exclaimed. "I wasn't going to let him sit there and say all of that and let him get away with it," he stated. "I think these three days were well worth it."

"I already told you, babe, they're not gonna stop saying stuff," she told him. "You have to remember; I've done some pretty messed up things in the past; they're not ever gonna stop talking about it. You have to get used to it-- You signed up for it when you started dating me."

"I don't think I'll ever get used to it," he stated. "How are you fine with it?"

"I'm not," she shrugged. "But I can't do anything to get them to stop-- So, I ignore it and move on from it."

Jesse sighed as he shook his head, "I don't know how you do it," he commented. "You're tough, Jadyn-- I think that's one of the many things I love about you." He stated before he pressed a small kiss against her lips.

Jadyn placed her hand on his cheek once he had pulled back, but she pulled him back in for another kiss; she deepened the kiss as his hands snaked their way around her waist. Their lips moved in sync; the kiss was passionate and both of them couldn't seem to force themselves to stop.

- - - - - - - - - -

THE NEXT day at school, Jadyn walked into the cafeteria and walked over to her usual table where Demetri and Eli; she promised she'd pay a visit to Jesse after she had said 'hi' to the two boys. "Metri, Eli, hey," she greeted with a smile plastered on her face as she took a seat at the table.

"Miss Rivers, nice of you to join us," Demetri commented before he glanced at the boy behind her. "I've noticed a certain someone is back at school today; will you be sitting with him?" he questioned.

"Maybe-- okay, I told him I'd at least pay him a visit during lunch," Jadyn stated as she looked back; her eyes locked with his, she offered him a smile before she turned back to the two boys. "But I wanted to come sit with you two first."

Jadyn noticed Eli's eyes wonder upward; her eyes followed his gaze, and she noticed the unfamiliar boy who hovered over the table, with a lunch tray in his hand. "Uh, is it cool if I sit here?" he asked.

"Oh sorry, table's really blowing up right now," Demetri stated as he motioned to the empty lunch table. Jadyn furrowed her eyebrows as she looked over at him. "I can put you on the waitlist, but it's probably next semester at the earliest."

The boy frowned, "okay."

"Hey, hey," she called out to him. "He was just kidding-- Sit down," she motioned to the seat beside Eli.

"Thank you," he muttered before he took a seat. "Miguel."

"Demetri," the raven-haired boy introduced. "Uh, that's Jadyn," he pointed to the girl who offered the new boy a smile. "And this is Eli--" Jadyn frowned as the boy bowed his head down. "He's a man of few words."

Jadyn's eyes followed the new boy's gaze; her face grimaced as she noticed Sam and Yasmine walk past, she couldn't lie, the girls were pretty, but their personality definitely wasn't. "Dude, don't torture yourself," Demetri warned. "Those are the rich girls."

"Do you ever talk to them, or?"

"Oh yeah! All the time," Demetri exclaimed. "We hang out after school, make out, give each other hand jobs." Jadyn scoffed as she shook her head. "Eli here is the homecoming king. Gets laid more than anyone. Isn't that right, Eli?"

"Talk to them?" Demetri's tone was more serious. "You do realize what table you're sitting at, right? You've pretty much signed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college, except maybe Jadyn," he stated. "You see that hunk of a man over there, that's Jesse Navarro-- Jadyn's boyfriend."

"Oh, uh, cool," he nodded.

"Oh shit, Yasmine's looking at us," Eli muttered. "Probably just making fun of me."

"I don't think she's making fun of you," Miguel stated. "I mean, just because they're hot, doesn't mean they're mean."

Yasmine glanced over at the table where the four sat, "oh, my God, you guys," the blonde exclaimed with a smirk on her face. "You see that guy over there who looks like he went down on a lawnmower? He's literally wearing the ugliest sweater I've ever seen."

"That is so wrong," Sam chuckled.

"Oh, my God, and what about Jadyn?" Jasmin spoke up as she pointed out the dirty blonde. "It seems like there's a new guy at the table-- It won't take long before she ends up sleeping with him like she probably did with the other two."

"What a slut," Yasmine scoffed.

Jadyn rolled her eyes at the three boys who stared down the group of girls. "Okay, well while you three enjoy your eye candy, I'm going to go," she told them. "I'll, uh, see you guys later. Nice to meet you, Miguel," she commented before she stood up from the table and began to walk in the direction of her boyfriend.

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