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Mackenzie completely hated the idea of moving. She had to move to a different country. To a different state.

She was forced to move into a different house, with a new room. Unlike Miguel, her room took longer to arrange. She had posters, pictures, plants, and books. And since her room wasn't as big as her last, she had to take more time figuring out where to put everything. 

After she was finally done, she was able to lie on her new bed and read. Mackenzie loved to read in her spare time. It was relaxing. And it wasn't like she had many friends to go out with anyways, so she had to do something with herself. 

She had finally gotten to a good part in her book before she heard a knock on her door. 

"Come in." She put her bookmark in her book and laid it beside her.

Miguel opened the door, slightly stepping into her room. "Hey, Mom wants you to come with me to the store." 

Mackenzie rolled her eyes. "What do we need to go to the store for?" 

Miguel sighed. "Yaya needs some pepto bismol." He grabbed her shoes and threw them at her. She quickly caught them before they hit her.

"Fine." She quickly slipped on her shoes and followed Miguel out into the kitchen. 

"Hey, Kenzie." Her mom greeted her as she entered the kitchen. "I need you and Miguel to go to the store. your yaya needs Pepto Bismol." 

"Yeah, I know. Miguel told me." Mackenzie rolled her eyes at Miguel, who was smiling smugly at her. 

"Oh, great." Her mom pulled out a few dollars, handing it to the two teens. "That should be enough. Don't get lost." She kissed them on the cheek before rushing them out the door.

They walked to the store in silence for the first few minutes. 

"So, are you liking it here so far?" Mackenzie asked, knowing he probably explored a bit already.

"Yeah." He replied excitedly. "But I met one of our neighbors. He doesn't seem too nice." 

She laughed. "What did you expect? Most of the people who live in the apartment complex are probably cranky." 

"Yeah, You're probably right." Miguel shrugged. They finally reached the small mini-mart and quickly walked into the store. 

"Aren't you gonna use gloves?" The old-looking man at the counter told the cashier who was holding a slice of pizza in his hand.

"Where's the Pepto-Bismol?" Miguel asked the cashier in Spanish.

He pointed towards the front. "Over there." The cashier responded in Spanish.

They quickly found the Pepto-Bismol and walked over to the counter. Miguel and the old-looking man shared awkward looks as the cashier dug around for a plate under the counter.

"Our grandma's not feeling well." Miguel told the man, holding up the bottle of Pepto-Bismol.

"Didn't ask." the man rudely responded. "C'mon, what's Spanish for 'just give me my  damn slice'?" He said to the cashier.

The cashier rose back up from under the counter. "Fucking idiot. He probably has a little dick." He said to Miguel in Spanish, laughing at his own words.  Mackenzie and Miguel snickered, looking at the old man.

"What did you just say?" the old man asked him. "What did he say?" He turned to the two teens beside him.

"You don't wanna know." Miguel shook his head.

𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔|| ᴇʟɪ "ʜᴀᴡᴋ" ᴍᴏsᴋᴏᴡɪᴛᴢTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon