EP. 5

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You hummed along to the song that was playing but stopped and groaned in frustration as you saw a 'Good' flash on your phone screen. You wanted a full combo! With a huff you closed the app, your perfectionism couldn't handle this.

Human, your letter will be here in a few minutes. Entity had been looking out for the mailman since the day of exams. Though he wouldn't admit it, he was very excited to see your results. With a nod you went to the door to stare out the peephole and wait to startle the mailman.

The mailman soon appeared with an envelope in hand and just as he was about to knock you swung the door open. The mailman in question was startled and opened his mouth to what you assume would be your name, you didn't care and cut him off.

"L/N Y/N?" when he nodded dumbfounded you made grabby hands to the envelope. You muttered a quick "thanks" and closed the door. Dashing up to your room you ripped open the envelope and peeked inside it to see a thingy thingy. Taking the thing out you threw it to the ground as a projection of All Might showed up.

"I AM HERE! Congratulations L/N Y/N you passed with 69 Villain points and 69 rescue points! You came in 1st and will be in class 1A." The projection fizzled out and you stood in shock.

Congrats, you're not a complete failure after all! Entity said appearing beside you, in return you hit him before giving him a hug.

"I passed!"


Eventually it was the first day of school and you were now sitting at your desk half asleep. Damn, I didn't even use my quirk in a while and I'm sleepy.

You were in and out of consciousness before someone was shaking you awake, you look up and see Izuku standing next to your desk holding two gym uniforms, "Wake up, Y/N. We have to go change into these," he hands you yours and coaxes you to get up. You groan in response and rub your eyes before stretching and following him into the change rooms.

Everyone in the change rooms looks at you with shock as you walk in tiredly behind Izuku. He turns around confused and frantically tries to get you out of the guys' change room.

You're mostly female in this life. Entity reminds you.

Your eyes widen as you realize, "Hot," is all that comes out of your mouth stunning the guys (some of which had their shirts off). You turn on your heel and walk out the door hearing Bakugou shout behind you, "Pervert-" you shut the door.

"Girls change room is the other one L/N" Aizawa points to the door down the hall with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I figured," you mumble as your warm face starts to cool down and continue into the other change room.

~After Changing~

You follow the other girls after almost getting lost, you are now all gathered at some sort of training ground. You listen to Aizawa explain how you're missing an orientation, something, test, quirks, something, idiots, something, expulsion. You yawn and raise an eyebrow as Bakugou throws a baseball and gives it a boost with his quirk.

I'm surprised the ball didn't explode into pieces. You snorted imagining it, He'd be so pissed and embarrassed, you mused.

You did fairly well, you scored 13th, yay lucky number.

Taylor Swift who?

What was that Entity?

Nothing, nothing. Entity cleared his throat.

Aizawa explains he lied about expelling someone.

He was totally ready to expel someone, he has done that before, even expelled a whole class. Entity appears beside you (he's on invis mode),you nod and lean on him too tired to care if anyone sees you leaning mid-air.

Dream Sand(BNHA x Isekai! Reincarnated! reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora