Chapter 4: Flight

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The view wasn't all that exciting. It was kind of dull, but then again I can't expect it to be all glittery and shit. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew right into the direction I was facing. It felt like it was encouraging me, almost like an invite. I started walking and as soon as I walked passed the fog, the place was very lively. I saw winged creatures soar above me as they glide through the clouds. Eh, this place isn't that bad. It could've been worse. I thought to myself. While lost in my own thoughts, I bumped into someone. It was large and orange, it had purple hair and was carrying a guitar. "Watch it, brah!" She exclaimed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to." I said apologetically. "Whatever, weirdo." The creature said while rolling her eyes. Well, who spat in her coffee? "What creature was that?" I asked Kuba. "That was a Riff. During childhood, they are privileged to take care with a guitar, which are living creatures. When handled with care, riffs and their guitars form a lifelong bond." Kuba explained. How interesting. I spent 25 minutes observing these airborne creatures. One particular monster has caught my eye, however. The bird looked like an ostrich except it's one legged and has a plumage of purple and pink feathers. The bird didn't have a beak either like the other bird like monsters. And to top it all off, it has four wings. "Hey, Kuba. Is that a mythical?" I asked. "Yes, it is indeed another mythical." She chirped. I wrote it down in my classification book. "It consists of melodic yodeling and it looks like an ostrich, hence giving it the name, Yawstrich." I nodded. "Thanks, Kuba." I walked towards the mythical creature. "Hello there!" The Yawtrich looked at me confusedly.

Yawstrich: Huh?

Liana: Hello, my name is Liana Longtail. I'm kind of new around here. What's your name?

Yawstrich: Uh... Uhm..

Liana: Oh, I'm sorry. Am I coming on too strong?

Yawstrich: Oh, no no no no. I was just- you just startled me. I mean, you're kind of.. tall.

Liana: Oh. Well, creatures like me are very tall depending on the subspecies. Right now, I just want to know your name.

Yollie: Oh, my name is Yollie. Nice to meet you, Liana.

Liana: Splendid. Say, what do you guys do around here?

Yollie: We just sing, fly or just do whatever we want.

Liana: Hmm.. Question, do you happen to have an epic wubbox around here? I heard every natural island has its own wubbox.

Yollie: Yes, we do. Unfortunately, I don't know where he is at the moment. I don't wanna sound rude and all, but why do you want to see him?

Liana: It's simple. Research.

Yollie: Uh, good luck with that I guess...

I walked away from the mythical. What was that all about? And why do I need good luck? Is the robot rude or something? I shook my head and continued walking. 15 minutes have passed and not once have I found him. I tried asking other monsters but they just looked at me with disgust. "Ugh, looks like we have another loser in town." A PomPom scoffed. "I know right. It's too bad we have to deal with that screaming crybaby, and now we have an ugly goblin lady." Parslona said. "Well, who shat in your coffees? At least I'm not some walking talking ugly ass mutant flat-faced pony with a bad attitude." I scolded. Parslona looked at me with anger. She's one of those people who get angry when people talk back, even though she was the one whose always starting shit. What a bunch of prissy little bitches. I continued on my way while flipping them off. Damn, it just feels so good when you put other people in their places. It shows 'em who's boss. Then, I stopped in my tracks when I overheard sniffling. I searched for the source of the sniffling and whimpering until I found a cowering robot who happened to look like a pilot. That must be the wubbox everyone "hated." I slowly approached the wubbox. "Um, hello?" I said out loud. The epic wubbox made a startling screech. It was so loud I had to cover my eardrums. "HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE LOUD!!!" I screamed. I get why he was the least favorite. "I-I'm so sorry! Maybe I should go-" He whimpered. "Wait! Don't go!" I yelled out. He looked at me confusedly. "Please stay." I said.

-Clyde's POV-

I was shocked. This person wants me to.. stay? Normally, people would tell me to go away or jump off a cliff. Not this one. However, I was still suspicious of this monster. Why does she want me to stay? What does she even want from me? I'm not worthy of having a normal conversation.

-Liana's POV-

I wanted to know why he was so hated. What has he done to cause such horrible treatment? "What's wrong?" I asked. He didn't respond. He looked so nervous to say anything. "Don't worry, I won't laugh or attack you for feeling sad." I said. The winged wubbox sat down and started talking. "Why do you care?" He asked. "Because I asked? And I'm here for research, but that's not important. I'm just concerned on why you were crying." I explained. He looked down at the ground and sighed. "It's just.. everyone hates me because I am not the best at singing." He explained. The wubbox hesitated for a while. "Go on, I'm all ears." I reassured him. "I'm not a great singer, but so what? That doesn't mean they have to treat me like shit. I never caused them harm. Why do they have to be so rude?" He pouted. Then, he started crying all over again. I felt extremely bad. The guy is really going through it. "N-not even m-m-my own family likes me. NOBODY LOVES ME!" He sobbed hysterically. I went up and hugged him. "I'm sorry. It wasn't enough that everyone here treated you horribly, but you don't even feel safe with your family either. That must feel awful." I said with sympathy. He hugged me back tightly. After 12 minutes of calming him down, I finally got him to talk. "I don't think you're bad. Sure, you're not a good singer but that doesn't matter. I think you're a beautiful wubbox." I said. "R-really?" He asked while wiping away his tears. "Of course! Out of all the wubboxes I've met, you're the far most beautiful wubbox I've ever seen." Clyde smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen, which proved my point even more. "Say, can you fly with those wings?" I asked out of simple curiosity. Without warning, Clyde grabbed me, put me on his back and took off with the most powerful flap. This is not the first time I've been in the air, but the scenery was beautiful. Especially with the sunset and all. "This is the most beautiful view ever. It's been a long time since I flew." I said. "Yeah. I love flying as well." Clyde agreed. He set me down on the ground because it was time for me to go. "Thanks for the ride, Clyde. That saves me time because this is the next island I have to go." I explained as I point towards the black and red fog. "You're welcome. Oh and before you go, be careful with my cousin." Clyde said. "He's dangerous." I gulped at the fact that there's another wubbox there. And the worst part is that I heard he had a drill for a hand...

-To be continued-

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