Chapter 3: Freezing

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I awoke from my dream and got up groggily. I almost forgot I wasn't in my world anymore. However, I ain't too worried about it. I got dressed and went out of the hotel. "Morning, Liana!" Kuba chirped joyfully. "Mornin'." I replied reluctantly. "Did ya get a good night's rest?" She asked. "Could've been better." I said. I wanted to know more about these so called islands. Apparently, I'm currently on "Plant island" right now. I didn't know there are other islands. I started on my journey onto cold island, which I heard was freezing, that's why I brought a heavy jacket. It took me and Kuba 2 and 1/2 hours to get there and when we did, it was as cold as other monsters described it. Even with the heavy jacket, I shivered occasionally. I explored the snowy island, excited to learn about its inhabitants. I studied the monsters and how they survive this icy environment. Especially the mythical called Strombonin. I was said to be lucky to encounter this majestic creature. I treaded further into the depths hoping I could find more of these monsters, but it got more colder and colder the deeper I ventured into this unforgiving tundra. 30 minutes have passed and not one creature I found was worth documenting. "Liana, I think it's best we turn back now." Kuba said. I could tell she was uncomfortable with the environment, too.  Just when I was about to turn back, I noticed something in the distance. I walked towards it to see what it was. As I got closer, it stood 12 feet tall. It had icicles that decorated its head, and it was mostly covered in ice. I realized I stumbled upon another wubbox. "U-uhm, excuse m-me. Hello!" I yelled out to it. My voice was shaky from the cold, but I ignored it. "Hm?" He turned his head towards me. "My name's Liana Longtail. It's nice to m-meet you!" I introduced myself as I walked towards him. "O..kay?" He seemed confused on why I was talking to him. 

-Cold's POV-

I was just minding my own business sitting out in the cold. Then, I heard a voice call out to me. It was slightly raspy and it had a southern accent to it. I turned my head to see some weird looking flat faced creature walking towards me. I was fixated on what sort of creature she was I nearly forgot that she was introducing herself. "O..kay?" I responded. I don't really talk much to other people, so I kind of suck at socializing. It's not that I'm shy, I'm just too lazy to make friends. 

-Liana's POV-

He seemed a little nervous. Am I coming out too strong?  I mentally asked myself. Maybe I was too loud. "Ahem. I hope I didn't come at the wrong time. I'm just here for research." I explained. The cold wubbox just nodded. "Since I'm here, I would like to get to know you. What's your name?" I asked. He hesitated for a while and then he responded under his breath. "What was that? I didn't hear that." I said. "Rudolf." He said clearly. "Wonderful!" I exclaimed excitedly.   

-Rudolf's POV-

I was curious on why this wolf creature was interrogating me. Am I in a crime scene? Why is she talking to me?  I thought. It's been a while since anyone has ever talked to me other than my other cousins. Calm down, maybe she just wants a friend.  I thought in my head. I'm probably just overreacting. 

-Nobody's POV-

We continued talking until it was time for me to move onto the next island. I said my goodbyes and walked off. Rudolf seemed like a chill dude, just not a very talkative person. He has more like a laid-back but lazy personality. Air island was next and I couldn't be more excited. I heard that's where the creatures of flight were born. I feel like air island will be my comfort place because I loved flying. A few hours have passed and I came across a large wall. It was a bit steep and it had layers. I could definitely climb it. After like 30 minutes, I finally made it to the top. I looked up to view to the sight only to realize it wasn't necessarily what I thought it would look like. 

 -To be continued-

Sorry this chapter was so short. I will try to make the next chapter longer.

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