Chapter 1: New world

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It was a sunny afternoon on a Friday. A particular Night Razor dragon flew through the skies, which was weird. Night razors usually ride at night considering they could blend into the dark so they could catch prey easier. Then, she saw something unusual from down below and went to check it out. "What 'cha doin?" Syria asked as she eyed the weird machine I was building. "I'm building a portal that will allow me to teleport to another dimension." I replied. "Oh, you're doing one of your wacky ideas again, I see." She sighed. After finishing up the touches, I stepped back to view my wonderful masterpiece. "It's finished." I said under my breath. "Now, all I have to do is use a little bit of my magic to get it started." I used my fire magic and blasted it in the middle of the portal and it worked. "Well, I'm off. Wish me luck, friend." I saluted to Syria and dived in head first. It took a few seconds until I finally reached my destination. After I got blinded by a white light, I stood up brushing myself off. Then, I looked around totally unaware of where I was at. I realized that I don't have a portal back home. Does that mean I'm stuck here? "Great. I took a portal here and I don't have any materials to build my way home. That's just fantastic!" I said out loud. Who am I even talking to right now? The spirits? Might as well explore, I did this to myself after all. As I walked through the grassy field, I spotted something in the distance. Something tall and odd looking... It was yellow and it had electricity providing support for its arms and legs. I treaded closer to investigate the strange creature. As I got close enough, there stood a staggering 13 foot tall robot. What struck me the most was its glowing blue orb floating in the middle. "You should've seen the look on his face. That guy is absolutely crazy, I tell you!" The robot said. He seemed to be having a conversation with another creature. The other creature looked like it was made of rock and it had the body of a dinosaur. Almost like a T-rex. I suddenly realized I was spotted by the T-rex looking monster. "Hey, who's that behind you? Is that a new monster?" It asked. The robot turned around and looked down at me.

Omar: Who are you? Are you new around here?

Liana: Um, kind of?

Omar: What's your name?

Liana: My name's Liana. I got teleported here. What's your name?

Omar: My name's Omar and this is Duncan.

Liana: Cool. I gotta ask, what kind of creature are you?

Omar: I am a wubbox. And he is a T-Rox.

Liana: Interesting.

Duncan: So, out of simple curiosity, how did you "teleport" here?

Liana: See what happened was, I built a machine that allows me to travel to other dimensions. What I didn't realize is that I don't think there's a way back. The manual didn't say how.

Omar: I see... Welp, I can't help you there. I don't know anything about portals.

Liana: It's okay, I'll just get materials if I could find any. Might as well make myself at home, am I right? (Nervous chuckle)

"Yeah, okay." Omar said as it walked away. "Damnit! Why do I always make things so awkward?" I said as I slapped myself in the face. "Uhm, good luck?" Duncan chimed in trying to cheer me up. "Honestly, Duncan, I don't know how I'm gonna make it out of this. But I appreciate your effort." I replied and walked away. I treaded further and to my surprise, I saw an area full of monsters. Every creature of any kind hung out in groups. I was so mesmerized at the beautiful sight, I didn't realize that something else was creeping up behind me. Something big...

-To be continued-

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