Chapter 8

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"The meetup..." Parker softly says, and all eyes turn to Graser.

"I honestly don't know what to say. I thought we planned it perfectly!" He shouts in frustration.

"Well, for one, we could've chosen a better location than a small restaurant. Second, we should've asked for way more time, plu-"


"Hey! It's not my fault that the whole thing back fired! Not to mention we had to pay for the whole thing!" I yell.

"You didn't even fucking plan it! You were to 'tired'! Mark, Straub, Sean, Will, and I called everywhere! This was the best thing we could've found!"

"Sorry for having personal issues!"

"Sorry for ever inviting you to the Cube!"

Sorry for ever inviting you to the Cube.

Those words rang back in forth in my head.

"Graser! What the frick is wrong with you?!" Joe yelled at him, defending me.

"So I'm the bad guy now!"

"Graser, Please leave Jade alone..." Bee softly said

"I'm sorry for ever joining the Cube..."

The room went dead silent.

"It's clear that no one wants me here" I say, standing up, walking to the door.

"Nice knowing all of you. Especially you Graser!" I say sarcastically, opening the door.

"See you never!" I heard him shout, as I step outside.

"Jade!" Jordan runs up to me

"Please don't leave."

"Jor, it's obvious I'm not welcome there"

He wraps his arms around me, as I feel tears escaping my eyes.

"I'm sorry for ruining your life. Maybe joining the Cube was a mistake. Maybe you would've had a better life without me"

"My life would've been way worse without you" he assures me.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." He tells me, as our lips meet.

"I love you so much Jade. Promise me that you'll never leave"

"I promise"

Next day


I open my eyes, as I find Jade cuddled next to me in my bed.

God she's cute.

Trying not to wake her up, I grab my phone from underneath my pillow, and see the time.


I decide to look on Twitter, and the first thing that I see is a tweet from Graser.

Whose your favorite Cube member?
Vote in this straw poll!

For some reason, I click the link, and see the same question, and a huge list of members. I'll vote for Jade, and see many also voted for her.

I scroll down the list, and I couldn't find her name. Strange. I click the results button instead of voting, and the scores were myself, Will, Liam, and Mark tied for the most favored. I smiled, but also realized that Julio wasn't on this list either. Graser must've forget him and Jade, or something like that.

Was he still mad about what happened last night? God, Graser really does hold grudges against people.

I decided to try and fall back asleep. As I try to move my arm, I see Jade open her eyes.


"Babe it's alright. I couldn't sleep, thats all"

"I love you."

Her voice was so gentle.

"I love you too Jade. I won't let anything or anyone hurt you"

Before I could say more, she cuddled closer to me. She layed her head on my chest, and fell fast asleep.

I kissed her forehead, as I feel my eyes get heavy.



I'm not sure what to do

Short chapters and every other day updates?

Or long chapters and maybe a new update every 3-4 days?

I'm down to do either one

Not gonna lie, this is the weirdest thing I've ever written

And yes, I'm making the Pax scene end on the next chapter

I know I've been neglecting Joe, since the first chapters, but I promise he's coming back, don't you worry!

Okay that's it


Nothing more

Peace out biznatches

In Real Life • Cube ffDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora