
Start from the beginning

"Would you like to sit with us during lunch?" Marc gently asked the French-Venezuelan girl.

"I'd like that." Celine replies.

Marc nodded and bit his lip, sharing an elated look with Nathaniel.

Yeah, she was the one alright.


After Miss Bustier and Ms. Mendeleiev's classes, it was now lunchtime.

Celine was in line with Marc and Nathaniel on both sides of her, picking out the food she wanted and putting it on her tray.

"So what do you like to do, Celine?" Nathaniel questioned, wanting to find out more about her.

"Well, I love to go to the beach and collect seashells, I even make accessories out of them, that's kind of a hobby of mine." Celine explains, getting out of line with the boys. "What about you both?"

"I like writing, comics, and soccer," Marc says.

"And I like art and drawing. Me and Marc work on comic books together." Nathaniel says.

"Really? That's so amazing! I bet you're both super talented. I actually like drawing too, I'm also intrested in poetry and reading." Celine praises.

Marc and Nathaniel exchanged smiles while she wasn't looking.

The trio sat down with their lunch trays together, but barley had time too when Chris came approaching with Sabrina, who was giving Celine a frown, which she didn't notice.

"Hey, gorgeous," Chris winks at Celine.

"Hello, Chris," Celine greeted back.

"Why don't you ditch these losers," Chris gestures to Marc and Nathaniel, who were glaring at him. "And come sit with me? Since I live in a hotel, I always get gourmet lunches directly from there instead of this cafeteria dump."

"That sounds lovely, Chris, but I'd like to sit with Marc and Nathaniel, I hope you don't mind." Celine says, giving the spoiled brat an apologetic gaze.

"Oh, c'mon, don't be so ridiculous. Wouldn't you rather be sitting with the mayor's son than these two bottoms?" Chris gave the bisexual couple a sour look.

Nathaniel stood up so fast that his chair almost toppled over. "She said no." He glares at Chris. "Now leave us alone."

Chris looked into his eyes, seeing anger in them. He wouldn't admit it, but he got a little unnerved at seeing the rare dark look in Nathaniel's eyes, especially his trembling clenched fists.

Reluctantly, he scoffed and backed away. "Celine, I'm having a pool party tonight at seven at the Grand Paris Hotel. Come if you want." With that, he walked away with Sabrina.

"Nathaniel," Marc puts his arm on his boyfriend's. "Calm down," He quietly told him. "You don't want to scare Celine." He whispered in his ear.

Nathaniel breathed off, closing his eyes, un-clenching his fists. He turned to Celine. "Sorry, Celine."

"There's nothing wrong. I take it you two don't like Chris?" Celine guessed.

"Yeah, he's a real a**hole," Marc sits back down with Nathaniel. "He's the son of mayor André Bourgeois and a huge spoiled baby, he tends to throw a tantrum when he doesn't get his way."

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