I decided to take a step away and walk along the beach away from everyone. I'm so drunk but I'm still able to get a grip on reality.

"Angel!" I hear from behind me. I turn to see Kat running in my direction. "Where are you going?" She catches up.

"Just for a walk, the moon is so pretty tonight." I smile.

She wraps her arm around my shoulder. "You shouldn't be walking off alone, you're intoxicated and it could be creepy people out here waiting to prey on spring breakers."

"You walking with me won't stop someone from trying to 'prey' on me." I throw up air quotations.

"I'm more of a threat than you think." She unintentionally touches her signature gold necklace.

"If it helps you sleep at night princess. I'll entertain you for the time being." I giggle.

"Are you okay?" She tries not to laugh with me.

"Yes actually, I feel like even though I'm at odds with some of my favorite people in the world, this break is exactly what I needed."

"I'm glad to hear that baby girl. Seeing as you didn't want to come." She kisses my cheek.

"I like that one, you should use it more often." I lean into her.

"You're just drunk, you like everything I say."

That is indeed true. "Don't think I forgot about our deal."

"Of course not, I can't wait to see you demonstrate what I've taught you." She says seductively.

"Keep it up I'll show you right here." I get bold.

"You're lucky there's no privacy or this little mosquito trap your wearing would've been in the wind." She wraps her arms around my waist. I pull from her and take off my brown cover-up.

"This 'mosquito trap'?" My eyebrows fly up.

"What are you doing?" She giggles catching it when I throw it.

"Let's get in the water and you can find out." I start to untie my swimsuit top.

"Come on Angel." She starts to look around worriedly but still playfully following me. We had walked so far down the beach that it was almost pitch black and from what I can see we are the only ones.

"There's no one out here." I started to take my top off until I heard voices causing me to jump out of my skin, Kat tried to throw my cover-up back on me quickly.

"Don't stop on our account ladies." A white boy slurs. I can't really make out faces because of the darkness but I know that there are three of them.

"No, we're okay. As I was telling my girlfriend. It's time for us to be heading home." Kat pulls me behind her and I stay silent. I hate confrontation, especially in the dark.

"No, really we enjoy a little strip tease every now and again." Another one says he's much drunker than the first.

"No, we're leaving now." She pulls me. One of the guys steps in our path and she pulls me closer and tighter.

"Stay, we can all have some fun together. Don't be stingy."

"We don't want any trouble. We had a long day and we really would like to get back to our friends." She pulls me and he blocks our path again. His friends start to surround us.

"Who said we wanted trouble, ladies? As I said before we can have fun."

"Please let us through so we can get home." Kat speaks through her teeth, angrier this time. My grip on her becomes firmer. I can feel the radiation of her body heat.

"Sorry, we can't do that. See you and your thick-ass girlfriend are our entertainment for the night."

"I asked nicely. Let us by so we can fucking get home. You don't want these problems." She gets loud.

"What can you do, your what? 5'5, a little over a hundred pounds. We're not scared of you." He chuckles.

"Last warning move bitch." She scowls. It's scary, I don't know exactly what she plans to do but I'd move if I were them.

"Shuri, Rue?" I hear multiple voices call out. It's our friends, thank god. I've never been more relieved.

"We're over here guys." I shakily get out.

"I guess we won't get to hang tonight, after all, maybe next time." The guy cockily says before letting us by. I hear them laughing behind us as we walk away.

"They'll pay for that." She says under her breath pulling me.


"Leave that up to me." That is all she says.

We follow the voices until we're all together again. "Where were you guys? Our Ubers are on the way, a big brawl broke out. It's time to go before the police show up."

"We were taking a walk, that's all." Kat quickly says.

On the ride home all I could think about was Kathleen acting as if she could take all three of those boys on. What if our friends didn't come, what would she have done? What does she mean they'll pay? We were close, I felt her. She didn't have a gun or a knife so what would she have done, why did she put herself in a position to be hurt?

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