first school night

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After the classes were over you walked over to the library, and there you would be assigned a person to tutor, MinHo was also there but to be tutored, you were both standing next to each other awkardly.

"Hey sorry for making fun of you because you have to be turored" you said genuinely looking up into MinHo's eyes

He thought you were cute apologizing about it, so he smiled at you " it's fine, nerd" you smiled back, Min Ho was called over by a thin woman wearing glasses to be told who his tutor would be.

"Hello sir, it seems like your tutor will be mrs. Y/n y/l/n" the women looked up from her notepad and lookea at you, she pulled her glasses over her head and said "that's who you'll be tutoring mrs" and ñooked back down

I walked over to MinHo and then we both walked to a study room.

"So sir, what subject do you have problems with ?" You asked mockingly once you both were sitting down

Min Ho rolled his eyes at you but smiled "Well most subjects actually" you nodded smiling

After talking a little you both decided it would be best to start with profesors lee homework, but you had some doubts yourself so you decided to ask.

"So MinHo what was that about you not leaving me alone in the classes we had together huh ?"

"Well y/n, I just wanna make sure you keep good company, I don't want you to go around trusting everybody" he said a little serious "Especially guys, you can't trust them" he said bitterly but a little quiet, making sure you still heard

"Why you say it from personal knowledge ?" He looked up at you "MinHo you are a great guy, everyone knows that, but you go around flirting with everyone, I'm not dumb, I can learn who to trust on my own" you stood up and left

You were walking out the library until someone called your name

"Min- oh Leo, what's up" you said

"Hi y/n, are you okay ?" He asked you "you seem a little flustered"

You started walking together to the backyard of the school "well i had a fight with-"

"With MinHo, yeah I figured" you just nodded "y/n you're really cool, and I do would like to try something with you, but I need to know if you like MinHo" he said now more serious

"I don't think I like him, but it's just a weird feeling you know" you said to him

"Well, why don't we just go out as friends that are not trying anything, until you figure your feelings out " he smiled and grabbed your hand you nodded

Later at night you went to sleep, you were walking back to your room but MinHo was waiting for you, you wanted to turn around and walk away, not because you didn't wanted to see him, you actually enjoyed seeing you just hated feeling confused, you never like guys like MinHo it's one of your rules, and you never break those rules, so you just kept walking, knowing you were about to talk with MinHo

"Y/N I'm sorry if I came across as mean, I do understand why you're mad and, I will let you do more friends, I promise" he smiled

"I know" you said trustingly you were both looking at each other eyes and you had a sudden urge to hug him and so you did, once you both let go you entered your dorm and Kitty was there waiting for you literally a centimeter far from the door, she was astonished

"Okay ? What's up ?" You asked kitty

"You totally like him" you blushed, "no I do not like him kitty"

"Trust me, I know love, I INVENTED love" you chuckled at her statement

"Were you spying on us ? Did you saw the hug ?" She nodded as if it was completely normal but then it clicked

"YOU GUYS HUGGED??!!" you smiled

"Oh Kitty, yes we did, but I did first so, he doesn't like me"

"What kind of logic is that ?"

You entred the bathroom and changed into your pajamas so you could talk more privately on your shared room.

"Let me explain something to you Kitty"

She nodded "I am all ears"

"I will not date MinHo" she made a disappointed face and before she could say something i continued "BECAUSE I have a set of rules" she wanted to say something but I wouldn't let her "AND I do not break does rules, for any any reason"

"Well what's the rule ? Not to have a teen romance ? Not date the hottest guy in school ? Not my words btw"

You laughed again "No, my rule is not to date playboys, I hate guys who mess with every girl, the go around flirting with everyone, I deny to be another of their well... Hoes?!"

Kitty made an understanding face "Well but people can change"

You were sitting down on your bed but you felt defeated so you just laid down "Kitty you know I'm not into the i can change him cliche" you looked at her "besides it would simply never happen, he's talking with a famous singer or something like that"

"Believe me girl, you have him on your feet" you smiled thinking of all the possibilities

"We'll see" you turned your light off "night kitty"

"Night y/n"

You both went to sleep


A/N: Vote please if you like it ! And comment under your favorite parts :)
Thank you so much for reading this, I know the chapters are short, but that's because I want to upload them constantly !

I really hope you're like the storyy!! <3

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