2. A new god on the board

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POV Deimos

I leaned on the marble railing of my room feeling the spring heat on my skin and the cooling breeze making it comfortable as I read another history text of this new world.

It has been two weeks since I arrived in this new world and even with all this time I was fascinated by it, how far humans have come, and how much hope there is in the world yet still dissatisfaction and chaos but the will to fight it even when the gods stay in the heavens I felt tears begin to form but I hold them back.

*Swish* *Clang* *Clang* * Swish* *Ting*

Looking down into the private training yard I see Aresia training with her adopted mother Antiope with Donna Troy, Cassandra Sandsmark, Artemis, and Hippolyta overlooking the exchange.

Feeling a little mischievous I took a rose a letting it float on the wind I watched as it traveled down on the wind landing in Cassandra's hair she grabs the rose and looks up I wave and she smiles and waved and I wave back only for Donna Troy to bring her attention back to the fight and gives me a look and I shrug and smiled at her age looked away but I swear I saw I blush in her face.

*Swish* *Clang* *Ting* * Swish* *Ting*

The fight continues only to an end with Aresia as the victor she smiles and looks around only to zero in on Cassandra and the rose she was playing with in her hand and looked up at me and frowned, she pointed her sword up to me.

"Why not join us Deimos we have yet to see your capacity with a blade with our own eyes and none except the Queen and my mother have seen a god fight," Aresia said a smirk on her face and I thought for a moment before shrugging and standing up one of my many armors materializing around me.

"Oh no. . ." Donna said shaking her head "Very well it has been some time since I have faced an Amazon," I said hoping onto the marble ledge then I extended my gold wings and let them stretch extending them to their full 20ft length, letting them shine in the sun's ray and I felt pride at how speechless at their faces as this was the first any of them had seen them.

" Donna said shaking her head "Very well it has been some time since I have faced an Amazon," I said hoping onto the marble ledge then I extended my gold wings and let them stretch extending them to their full 20ft length, letting them shine in th...

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"Since when did you have those?" Cassandra asked and I smiled looking at the blush on all their faces as I landed on the ground "Since I was born my brother Eros has wings so it shouldn't be that much of a surprise," I said walking up to her and taking one of my feathers and the rose and putting it in her hair.

"Eros's wings are white why our your gold?" Donna asked I pretend not to notice the blush on her face, as I made eye contact with her and the mumbling, blushing, and twitching form of Cassandra.

"You are quite right they were originally white but during my first birthday the Goddes of victory Nike gave me her divinity causing them to gain their gold color it's also why my eyes are the same color," I explained looking over a sword but I felt the multiple stares from the women around me.

"That is a bold claim," Antiope said and her daughter gave her a look that said 'Are you joking right now,' but I shrugged giving the sword a practice swing.

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