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My eyes squinted at the sun that was coming through the crack in the curtains. I must've woken up just before my alarm. As my eyes focused, I let out a quiet gasp as the memories of last night came back to me. I had rolled over in my sleep and was now facing Steve. Our heads were on the same pillow and his face was inches from mine with his arms still comfortably but tightly wrapped around me. I forced my body to relax so I wouldn't wake him up. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep and I allowed myself a couple seconds to admire him. Without fully realizing it, I had brought a hand up and ghosted it barely against his cheek. I hesitated, but when he didn't wake up, I continued to lightly map his face. I traced over his forehead, where stress lines sometimes ran deep, but not right now. I ghosted over his other cheek by his eyes and down toward his lips. I noted the slight stubble on his face which made him look even more handsome in my opinion. I didn't notice it but my fingertips were just barely over his lips as I remembered how soft they were against my own that one night several weeks back.

Snapping myself out of it, I flicked my gaze back up to his eyes and let out an audible gasp this time. Steve's eyes were open and he just watched me intensely, with a look in his eyes I couldn't quite place. Before I could even process what was happening, his lips were on mine. This kiss wasn't soft like the first one we had shared. It was rough and heated and suddenly, Steve was on top of me, pressing me into the mattress. I sighed against his mouth and carded my hand roughly through his hair, making him groan slightly. That noise stopped me and I made myself turn my face away from his. Steve stayed where he was for a second before rolling again onto his back beside me.

We were both panting slightly and I forced myself to take a deep breath before turning to look at him. "Steve," I whispered. He was staring at the ceiling and wouldn't meet my eyes. I placed a hand on his cheek and he turned slightly to look at me, with confusion in his eyes. "We can't do this." He looked away again but didn't respond. I swallowed, but forced myself to continue. "Steve, you're my best friend and my boss. You know we can't."

He nodded slightly. Then, the doorbell rang. We both stared at each other for a second, eyebrows furrowed. It was like 6:30 in the morning, who could be here? Honestly, probably Danny. As the doorbell rang a second time, Steve pulled himself out of bed to go answer it, but not before giving my hand a squeeze and shooting me a soft smile. We would be okay.

As Steve left the room, I took a breath to calm down. I couldn't let that happen again. As I heard him open the front door, I stepped into the hallway to look down over the landing and see who it was. Nothing could've prepared me for the person that stepped over the threshold and apparently Steve was just as surprised as I was.

"Cath?" His voice rang out. "What-What are you doing here?"

Catherine Rollins just laughed a little. "I'm on leave and I missed you!" she said, before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.

I immediately went back into my room. I had heard about Steve's history with Catherine but he hadn't seen her since I had been at 5-O, which has almost been a year. I guess I just assumed that they were done. I grimaced as I noted how much it hurt to watch her kiss him. It's just because you kissed the guy this morning. On accident. It won't happen again and you don't even like him like that so it shouldn't bother you at all. I convinced myself. With newfound determination to keep Steve and I in the friend zone, I turned to my closet and got ready for the day. As I went into the bathroom, I heard some noises of them moving around in the kitchen, and I realized that I would need to find a house. Soon.

Once I couldn't delay going downstairs anymore, I slowly made my way into the kitchen. Catherine and Steve were sitting at the table eating eggs and she looked up when I walked in. "Hi," I gave a small wave. "I'm..." I was cut off as Catherine stood up to shake my hand.

"Jessica, right?" She asked, and I was honestly surprised at her friendly nature. If my boyfriend had another girl walk into his kitchen, I think I'd be a little more concerned, but she continued, "You just started working at 5-O this year? Steve told me about what had happened to your house, I'm so sorry."

She moved in to give me a hug and I made eye contact with Steve over Catherine's shoulder. I couldn't read his expression but I was so glad that he had already mentioned that I was staying with him to Catherine. I did not want to have to explain that. I smiled at Catherine as she pulled back.

"We made you some eggs, if you want some," Steve spoke up, pointing to the pan on the stove.

I nodded in acknowledgement, but I was eager to get out of the house this morning. "Thanks, but I think I'm going to head into work early, get a start on the paper work."

"Wait, Jess, at least eat...?!" I was out the door before Steve could finish his sentence.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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