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The next day I'm walking into headquarters with a nice blue bruise coloring my jaw. I'm early again, but the only person I see this morning is Jenna Kaye. She seems nice but I haven't had the chance to talk to her very much yet.

"Hey!" She looks up with a smile when she sees me, but the smile quickly drops when she sees the bruise. "Oh my! Let me grab you an ice pack!" 

"Oh, that's okay Jenna. I'll be fine," I shake my head. 

She just looks at me for a second. "Hey. None of the guys are here yet and I promise I won't tell anyone you showed a little bit of weakness," she shrugs and laughs a little when I raise my eyebrows. "I know what it's like being new and trying to prove yourself to the boss!"

"Yeah, that seems like it's going to be impossible. But you're right, I would take an ice pack. Thank you Jenna." I smiled at her and moved into my office to get some things ready for the day. 

A couple minutes later, Jenna opens the door with an icepack in hand. "Thank you so much," I breathe out in relief as I lay it against my jaw.

"So, how are your first couple days as part of 5-O?" she asks and takes a seat on the couch by my desk.

"Ya know, it hasn't been the smoothest transition but I'm sure it'll get better," I sum up much more optimistically than I was actually thinking. Jenna and I get into a nice conversation as she asks me about my new house and if I had ever been to Hawaii before. "Enough about me, I've been talking forever," I say eventually, "What about you? Where's home for you?"

Jenna's smile becomes slightly fixed which surprises me. "My home is right here now. In the past eight months, I have made some amazing friends and I've grown to love this island."

"But where are you from?" I ask, curious.

"California is where I grew up."

I light up. I had always wanted to see the West Coast. "Lucky!" I laugh. "What kind of things or hobbies did you like to do growing up?"

"Oh, ya know, swim, surf, a lot of the same stuff as here," she stands up abruptly. "Well, I should get back to work, great to get to know you better, Jessica!" And with that she leaves.

I frown. That was odd.


We caught another case in the afternoon. A volleyball coach was killed and we were looking through phone records, financials, contacts, anything to give us a clue to who had killed him. Chin had left to follow up on a lead while Steve, Danny, Jenna, and I tried to make sense of the case. 

Suddenly, Steve's phone started to ring. "Chin, got anything?"

Chin's voice echoed clearly through the phone's speaker. "Yeah. I just saw our killer. He stumbled out of the building and got into a car that drove off. He's definitely injured."

"License plate?" Steve asked. 

Chin listed off a license plate number and seconds later Jenna claimed that we had a hit.

"Anderson, Danny, let's go." 

Before I knew it, I was flying down the highway trying not to throw up in the back seat as Steve took sharp turn after sharp turn. Finally, we cornered the runaway car and we all got out, vests on and guns pointed. As I looked, I saw that there was a woman driving the car. But what surprised me the most was how Danny and Steve froze solid when they saw her. I was confused. Did they know her?

"Kono. Get out of the car." Steve's voice was rough and he cleared it before speaking louder. "Get out of the car, Kono!"

The girl, Kono, got out of the car, turned around, and leaned against it with her hands up. 

Steve's next words really clued me in that something wasn't right here. "Book her, Anderson." I gave him a confused look, but did as he asked. Why me? I thought this was Danno's thing.

When we pulled up to HPD, I guided Kono into the interrogation room, where I was joined by Steve and Chin. Chin looked the most shaken up. As Steve went in to talk to the girl, I carefully asked Chin, "Hey, are you okay? How do you all know her?"

Chin looked at me steadily. "Kono was part of 5-O until about two weeks ago. She was accused of something, was put on leave, and recently got caught up in who knows what," he took a deep breath and paused. "She's my cousin. More like a little sister honestly."

We were interrupted by sudden yelling. We both ran into the interrogation room just in time to see McGarrett throw one of the chairs against the wall. "I can't help you if you don't talk to me, Kono!" he yelled. 

Chin finally stepped in and Steve stormed out of the room, with me following him out. 

"Hey, McGarrett." He turned around to look at me. "That's your previous teammate in there?"

I could tell he was clenching his jaw. "She's still a part of this team."

"Huh. Well, then you should trust her right?" I don't know why I was defending this Kono so much. All I know is that I could see how each of the boys trusted her and if she had been part of 5-O since the beginning, there has to be more to this than her just deciding to go rogue in the past two weeks.

Steve moved until he was towering over me. "You are not in the position to comment on this. Do you understand me, Anderson?"

It was reflex to respond to his condescending tone with sass, which is why I said, "It's a free country, McGarrett, so I get freedom of speech and everything!" He just glared at me and turned to walk out. I sighed. I could tell he was hurting and that's why he was lashing out. So I plucked up my courage and gently grabbed his arm. "Steve. What can I do here? I can tell you're not okay. How do I help?"

He was surprised, which is fair. This is by far the most civilized I had been to him since we had met. He just stared at me for a minute, obviously deep in thought. Then, he signaled me to follow him. "Come on. If you're going to stick around, there are some things you're going to need to understand."

Steve McGarrett x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant