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Steve's face morphed from shock to anger as I stormed into the 5-O headquarters. I didn't even have time to look around before he was yelling at me. "What are you doing in here? You're supposed to be with the family! The only reason I can think of as to why you would be here is that something bad happened. So please, enlighten me. Did something bad happen?" 

Danny and the other officer who were in the room when I had walked in left for their separate offices during Steve's speech, leaving me alone with his anger. Sighing, I faced him with confidence that I didn't quite feel. "Yes, McGarrett. In my opinion, something bad did happen. You're not using your resources and you're wasting my time! You're sidelining me and I told you that I wasn't going to stand for it!"

"Go run to the governor then! If you're so eager to leave, then leave!" He yelled in my face with wild hand motions, as he bent towards me.

"Oh yeah? If I did go to the governor, guess what I would tell him! I'd tell him that you're acting like an arrogant teenage boy who didn't get what he wanted so now he's throwing a tantrum." I retaliated. 

Steve straightened at this; his eyes burning with fury. "Go."

"Excuse me?" I asked, incredulous.

"You heard me. You just got suspended for the day. Which, might I remind you, I'm quite able to do since I am your superior. So go. Unpack. Get settled. Try to come in tomorrow with a better attitude."

"I will if you will." I retorted, before storming back out of the building.

Danny finally came out of his office and turned to Steve. "Listen, buddy. I don't want to make you more pissed than you already are, but sidelining our new partner isn't going to help us find our kidnapper." Steve just sighed and leaned against the table behind him, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "And can I just say," Danny continued. "You were unnecessarily rude to her."

Steve turned his glare on him. "Ya know what Danny?!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Danny put his hands up in a sign of surrender. "She was rude to you, too, okay? You both let your argument go too far. But you have to look at things from her point of view a little bit. She just moved across the country, today might I add, she just left behind friends and family and a home and a life, Steve. She was expecting a great, new job as the governor's personal detective but instead was roped into helping us. This wasn't her idea. So you, laying into her like that, when she's already tired and stressed and disappointed, of course she's not going to respond well! Especially when you won't even let her do her job, which is all she has at the moment! Understand?"

Steve's shoulders slumped as he took in his best friend's words. "Okay. I get it. I will try and apologize tomorrow."


I sighed as I brought my two suitcases into my new house. It was small, with a single room, a living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Everything was bare. I didn't bring much with me from home. I didn't want too many reminders of what I had left behind; the good or the bad. But as I stood there in the doorway, staring at a completely empty room, I couldn't help the tear that fell from my eye. Today was not at all what I thought it would be. I let the disappointment weigh on me as I sat on the ground.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I picked it up, "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Danny. I'm calling to ask if you need any help moving in?" 

"To be honest, Danny, I don't have much. But thanks for offering," I smiled slightly. 

"Okay. Well, let me know if you need anything, you hear me?" I blinked as his statement made me tear up once more.

"Actually Danny, do you know of any places close by where I could buy a mattress?"

He laughed. "For sure, Jess. Can I come with? I'm not doing anything tonight, I can pick you up in ten?"

"Yeah. I'd like that."

I was sitting in the passenger seat of Danny's car ten minutes later laughing as we compared the east coast to Hawaii. We bonded immediately on our passionate dislike of pineapple on pizza. 

"It's disgusting!" 

"Right?" Danny agreed, grinning. "Ya know, Steve thinks pineapple on pizza is absolutely heaven on earth," he rolls his eyes. 

My laugh quieted at the name of my new boss and I was brought back to our argument from the afternoon. Danny noticed. "Hey, Jess, listen. I know that you and Steve didn't get off to the best start today, but give it time alright? It takes him a little while to open up to people and he's had to adjust to a lot in the past month."

I nodded. "I shouldn't have been so rude to him. I usually have more control over my emotions."

"If anyone can push you over that edge, it's Steve McGarrett, so don't think you're alone there!"  Danny laughed. 

"How long have you been partners with him?" That question launched Danny into a series of stories that had me busting out laughing. As we shopped for a mattress, he talked animatedly about how he got shot the first time he met Steve and all about the commander's insane "animal" moments as Danny liked to call them. Hanging a guy off a roof, kicking in doors, throwing grenades, the way Danny described Steve, well, I hope that someday soon I get to see the guy that he's describing.

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