"Be back soon!" Ace managed to shout up the stairs as he grabbed his car keys and quickly left the house.

"Peace and fucking quiet." Odette mumbled as she flopped on Ace's bed, grabbing her school bag so she could be begin her schoolwork without Ace trying to have sex with her and without the others bugging her about her having sex with Ace.


Things seemed to settle down over the next few days. Odette barely went home as Ace seemed more and more determined to have her stay with him and the others.

She did however get out of her many detentions by cooking them all dinner, luckily for her as she heard Eyeball's preferred form of detention was chucking various pieces of sports equipment at his students.

However things with Jenny and Tommy seemed to change too. Jenny seemed more and more determined to se Odette up with one of Tommy's friends.

Odette and Ace slowly learned how to hide their relationship while at school, even though it never stopped Ace slapping her arse every time she left his classroom.

She would wait in the library after school for everyone to go before she would rendezvous with Ace at his car.

The other cobras all relented in giving Odette various extensions and extra subtle moments of special treatment.


"So you coming out with us tonight or what?" Tommy asked Odette as the pair packed up their bags.

It was a Friday afternoon. The last bell had finally gone signalling the end of the day, and thankfully, the week.

"Remind me...?" Odette mumbled looking up at Tommy beside her, pulling her eyes off Ace at the front of the class.

"Big party down by the lake, everyone's going." Tommy answered as he slung his bag over his shoulder and moved closer to Odette.

"You know Jenny will be hella mad if you're not there." He added, raising his eyebrow slightly, as if trying to tell her that Odette didn't really have a choice here.

"I actually have plans tonight, and this whole weekend in general." Odette replied, pulling her own bag over her shoulder as she went to move away but Tommy's hand around her wrist stopped her.

"Come on you never hang out with us anymore, Jenny gets proper pissed when things don't go to her plan." Tommy groaned slightly as his grip tightened and he tugged himself closer to her.

"I can't help that, I have plans." Odette mumbled as she took a small step back.

Her eyes flickered over to Ace, he was facing away with her chatting to another student in their class.

"I'll make it worth your while." Tommy spoke in a slightly lower voice as he looked down at her, once more closing the distance between them, taking a step closer as she backed into her desk.

"Tommy I'm really not interested in any of your mates." Odette mumbled as she tried to shuffle away slightly.

Tommy shook his head as Odette felt him press against her slightly, his grip still tight around her wrist.

"I wasn't offering any of my mates." His voice was now low and husky, similar to the way Ace sounded when he wanted to get lucky.

"Tommy, what are you-"

"Don't act all coy Odette, we all know just what you're into with your ice cubes and love bite covered body." Tommy mumbled, lowering her head closer. "I won't tell Jenny if you don't."

"Tommy no, I-"

Odette's sentence was cut off as a large textbook hit Tommy on the back of his head. He shouted out as he turned and the pair saw Mr Chambers, Mr Tessio and Mr Hogan standing there in front of Mr Merrill.

Though for a reason Tommy couldn't quite understand, Mr Tessio and Mr Hogan appeared to be holding onto Mr Merrill's arms while Mr Chambers had been the one that chucked the book.

"Detention Tommy, a full month." Eyeball spoke in a way that was clear that Tommy would feel a fair bit of pain.

"We're mates Sir, just joking around." Tommy tried to explain himself as he released Odette's wrist and took a step back from her.

"I ain't fucking laughing." Ace's voice was coated in clear venom and hatred, his eyes had already darkened as he looked like a bloodthirsty lion about to pounce and ravage a small gazelle.

"Relax Sir it was-"

"OUT OF MY CLASSROOM!" Ace had pushed Billy and Charlie off as he grabbed a large textbook from his desk and chucked it straight at Tommy.

The senior had just about dodged it as he quickly left, his curiosity growing about the pure hatred in his teachers.

"Out." Ace's harsh voice growled out as his shoulders moved at a quick pace, his breathing ragged as his fists landed on his desk.

Eyeball, Billy, Charlie and Odette all went to quickly leave, they all knew Ace's temper and they all avoided it.

"Not you." He growled out quickly, sensing them all go to leave.

It didn't have to take a teacher or grade A student to figure out which one of the four Ace was demanding stay.

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