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I feel for Odette right now so let's give her a girl to chat to... introducing Jenny Walker... friend or foe? 😉

*****Chapter 10 - Jenny*****

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Chapter 10 - Jenny

Eyeball had walked Odette to her next class, history. Yet unfortunately for her she saw Billy was actually the teacher.

"You're everywhere..." She mumbled to herself as Billy looked up at Eyeball and saw Odette.

Billy's mouth dropped open slightly as he recognised her as the girl Ace had brought home that weekend. Yet Eyeball quickly gave him a look that meant they'd talk about it tonight.

"Um- take a seat..." Billy finally managed to mumble as he gestured to an empty spot at the front of the class next to another blonde girl.

Odette nodded slightly as she tried to avoid eye contact with him. Heading straight to the desk in question, she sat down almost slumping in her seat as Eyeball gave Billy one final nod before leaving the classroom.

Billy couldn't help but stutter slightly as he tried to get back focused on teaching as his eyes kept glancing at Odette.

"Someone's got a fun boyfriend..."

Odette looked up slightly to the girl beside her, who had a small smirk on her face. The girl nodded down at Odette's neck and arms that were on show.

"He's not my boyfriend..." Odette mumbled back quietly.

The girl's smirk grew. "Even better, I'm all ears." She seemed to shuffle slightly closer to Odette as she clearly wasn't interested in the lesson.

"I'm Jenny by the way." She gave her a small smile.


"Now spill, he really gave you a good seeing to." Jenny whispered with a small laugh.

Odette nodded slowly as she shuffled in her seat. "Honestly thought I'd be able to forget him but apparently not."

Jenny nodded slowly. "One night stand turned to someone you gotta see more often-" she paused as she let out a small quiet gasp. "Does he go here?!" She asked in a desperate whisper.

Odette quickly shook her head, the last thing she wanted was rumours starting about her and another student when it was actually a teacher...

"So who is he? Come on, give me something to make Mr Tessio's lesson slightly more interesting." Jenny seemed to not give up until she got something.

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