The Particle Accelerator Explosion

Start from the beginning

"Lets do it," said Skye.

The trio of agents dismounted the van and covertly crossed the parking lot in a tight line before arriving at the back entrance door.

"Disrupting live camera feeds," declared Fitz over the comms.

Then Skye took charge, hitting an internal switch in her QUAKE gauntlets, causing them to retract and reveal her bare hands. She then produced a screwdriver from her belt and began to unscrew the security panel for the door code. Once removed, she quickly inserted a customized USB drive that began to implement a hacking program. In three seconds flat the door unlocked and began to open. Skye then removed the USB with a smirk of pride.

Mack and Ward who'd been keeping lookout, once hearing the door open, took point and rear guard with Mack leading the line and Ward trailing behind Skye.

The ARGUS agents silently and efficiently navigated the halls of STAR Labs, reaching the elevator that would bring them to the bottom level of the facility.

Mack quickly touched a finger to his ear comm, "Fitz?"

"On it."

And the elevator door opened bypassing the key panel.

"Okay, I can get you to the bottom level, but any computer terminal will be entirely closed circuit. I won't be much help then."

"You sound like I'm not here, Fitz," chided Skye, as the three agents stepped into the elevator.

"I'm just being clear so there are no sur—"

As soon as the elevator began to descend the comms bugged out. The three agents each shared a look, Ward even attempting to recalibrate his earpiece.

"No turning back now," said Mack.

When the elevator reached the ground level, the three agents stepped out armed and ready. Unsurprisingly they were met with two confused guards who immediately went for their guns.

"Hey!" one shouted.

"Stop right there!" shouted the other.

Two shots rang out as Mack and Ward dropped the two guards with ICER bullets. The agents then proceeded to walk over the two slumbering guards and continued down the hall. When they reached the end of the hall and the Pipeline doors, Mack gave a nod to Skye.

Ward checked his watch as Skye enabled the gauntlets, the robotic prosthesis covering her hands again. "Eight minutes," said Ward. Eight minutes until the Particle Accelerator went live and everything in the Pipeline chamber was going to be flooded with dark matter.

Activating the gauntlets Skye aimed the two miniaturized seismic generators at the blast doors. If they had time, she would have simply hacked the doors but with the Particle Accelerator about to go live, the only way to open it would be with someone with the master code was to access the wall panel. And even blowing a hole into the side of the pipeline containment chamber seemed insanely stupid if it weren't for the possible millions of lives at stake.

The gauntlets hummed with a green energy before suddenly shooting forth a powerful shockwave, blasting the blast doors clear off its hinges!

Immediately the Labs' security system kicked in and a second descending blast wall began to close off the breached door.

"Go, go, go!" ordered Mack.

Skye sprinted forward, ducking into a roll with Mack just behind her. But the blast wall closed shut just as Ward slammed into it.

"No..." Ward whispered, slamming a fist into the wall, "Damn it!"

Through the ten inch thick reinforced square glass window Mack mouthed the words, "Watch the hallway," and continued into the pipeline. Ward reluctantly accepted the order and brandished his gun guarding the hall.

Inside the pipeline, Skye and Mack ran down the gigantic circular chamber. Checking his tablet, Mack stated, "Generator Console should be just up ahead." And soon enough, the two agents happened across a giant computer terminal that regulated the generator for the Particle Accelerator.

Retracting her gauntlets, Skye began to input her hack. In two minutes, she bypassed the fire walls and accessed the system database.

"Oh my god," whispered Skye in shock.

"How bad?" asked Mack.

"Bad. It's set to overload. At least 21.52 million gigawatts of electricity are about to blow the roof off this place. Literally."

"Damn. Can you stop it."

Skye didn't respond, only continuing to furiously type away.

"Can you stop it, Skye," repeated Mack, not hiding the rising pressure from his voice.

Skye still refused to answer only saying to herself, "I don't understand this encryption. It keeps rewriting itself, it's not just a simple firewall. Self-defending artificial intelligence?" Skye guessed. "That should be impossible..."

A boom shook the pipeline and the temperature rose substantially in seconds.

"Too late," said Mack, solemnly.

Skye clenched her hands, frustrated that she wasn't able to hack this damn generator console. She was always an agent that excelled in any field her CO put her in. Whether that be hacking or fighting. But there was a universal rule to the universe that she found herself always pitted against; There's always someone stronger than you. It was folly to think you were the best at something and it only served to make you reckless. However, knowing all that still didn't quell the frustration or disappointment in herself for not getting it done.

"Skye," Mack said softly. Alarm sirens began to sound all around them. "I want you to look after Jordan, okay? She lives in Central City with her mother and I—"

"Mack. What are you talking about? We just need to get back to the blast door and—"

Shaking his head, Mack silenced her. "Two favors. Okay? Dying wish and all that," he said to a confused Skye as he moved past her and began to work on the generator console, pulling out a panel and unhooking some wires. "Look after Jordan and... find your parents Skye. Waller knows what happened to them, or at least she thinks she does."

"Wha—" Skye started to say, a stab of heartbreak in her voice.

"I'm sorry I never told you. I just— I wanted to protect you," Mack explained, pulling a thick silver cord from the generator and standing up. "Turn around."

Skye obeyed, still stunned by Mack's words.

He started to jury rigg the power cord to Skye's harness.

"Remember back in Puerto Rico when we destroyed that underground temple?"

Skye nodded.

"And you used your QUAKE gauntlets to shield you from the debris?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You're going to do the same thing here, okay? You're going to survive this, Skye. Do you hear me? That's an order," Mack said, stepping back. "Now. Do it now."

Activating the gauntlets Skye began feel the power culminating at her fingertips. Her battery pack was getting uncomfortably hot now.

"Mack," Skye's voice cracked.

"It's alright, partner. I'll see you on the brighter side."

And the pipeline was enveloped in blinding orange light. Skye activated her gauntlets just in time to create a shield of vibrational force around her as an onslaught of dark matter rushed passed her. Even with the boosted shield, she could feel the pure force pressing on her, crushing her. In an instant, Mack was gone, and Skye was fighting to keep standing. It was like holding back a hurricane. Forced to the ground, falling on one knee, Skye persisted, grunting in pain as the roar of dark matter assaulted her ears and burned her arms. Then she felt a snap. And the gauntlets shattered. Like a twig holding back a damn, once her gauntlets broke, Skye was hit with the full force of the dark matter surge, sending her flying back into unconsciousness.

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