Chapter Forty-Three

Start from the beginning

The man leaned back in his chair, "Glad we agree Mister Laufeyson, you seem to be getting attached to our little guest."

Loki pursed his lips, ignoring the comment, "Where have you been Adrian?" he asked, pointing out the fact that the older looking of the pair had been absent for the majority of the past couple weeks.

"I was getting supplies. I need new, improved wings. Wings that Pedro won't be able to destroy. Vibranium is beautiful is it not? I've studied Pedro's abilities and this appears to be one of the only things that he can't break free from or break at all. He may cause minimal damage but they won't be ruined like my old ones." he replied, a sick grin creeping its way onto his lips, "Let's see how the little bug boy can lift this warehouse off of himself when I'm finished with him, when Penelope is finished with him."

Loki was tired of the conversation, he pushed himself back from the table and up from the table, a green mist surrounded his hands as he walked over to the man. "Mister Toomes I think I will have to breakaway from our little agreement." he announced,

The man's face dropped but he quickly gained his composure, "Fine, it is quite unfortunate, but we will make due without you Mister Laufeyson. Penelo-"

Loki grinned and cut him off, "I think you misinterpreted my meaning Adrian." he replied, "Neither of us will continue with the plan. I feel that we've been misguided, yes we have reserved anger towards the half-witted group that my brother is a part of, but killing children? I feel as if you are going too far." 

The other man pushed himself back from the table, "Mister Laufeyson, I doubt you will be able to stop me." he replied, feeling a little too strongly about his abilities.

Loki chuckled, he could tell that the man felt that he was stronger than him because he was burlier than he was, but he forgot one thing: Loki was a god. He was the prince of Asgard, the rightful heir to Jotunheim; he'd trained to fight at an early age and knew how to use his thin wiry stature to his advantage. He studied the man in front of him, he was eager for the fight that the man wanted to pursue.

He chuckled once again, "Watch me Mister Toomes." he replied, his tone cold and unfeeling as the mist around his hands glowed a bright green.

Loki dodged a punch from the man and shoved him away from himself, throwing a green orb of his chaos magic at the man. He continued to throw his powers at the man who was trying his best to land a punch or a kick that was fueled by anger and rage. Finally, the man was leaning against a pillar, much like the one the man had knocked down on to the spiderling thirteen months ago. The man glared up at the god, ignoring the small cut that was bleeding on his forehead, his body was too beaten from Loki's calculated attacks to stand up and overpower the god.

"Why are you doing this?" he hissed, "Don't you want your revenge against them all?" he asked, his tone field with rage.

Loki scoffed "At one point, I wanted revenge. Revenge for being sent back to Asgard, for being defeated in New York. I wanted to be the monster that they feared me to be...however, like you've reminded me Miser Toomes, plans change." he replied before waving a hand over the man's head causing him to slip into a state of unconsciousness.

Loki started to walk to the corridor that led to where Penny was being held. He suddenly stopped and turned back around on his heels, walking over to where Adrian Toomes sat unconscious. He knew he couldn't just leave the man where he was. If he left, his former partner would wake up and wreak havoc on the Avengers and possibly the entire city. Surely he'd kill the girl anyway. He decided that the man had to come with him; he used his power to make Asgardian shackles appear on the man's wrists, ankles and around his waist. This assured he wouldn't be able to fight or break free if he woke up by the time they reached the compound. He decided to add a mouthpiece as well, the man's constant blabbering about revenge had annoyed the god to no end at the moment; the piece was similar to the one he had been forced to wear when Thor returned him to Asgard mere years ago. He used his powers to destroy all the materials that the gray-haired man had bought to make his new wings. Assuring that they'd be completely unusable for any future usage if they were ever found. He picked up the plans that the man had been studying moments ago, and let them disintegrate under his touch; watching everything that the man had worked hard on get destroyed left a pleased smirk on his face. Finding himself pleased with his handiwork he briskly walked to where the girl was being held. He threw open the door, finding the girl to be half asleep. She was leaning against the wall, her eyes fluttering open and shut, her breathing slow and shallow. He walked over to her, he saw the new reddish tint on her lips from the blood that she'd steadily been coughing up during the past few days. He made his hands a little cooler, knowing that her fever was rising again as he knelt down in front of her and gently touched her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open, catching the sight of her makeshift cell's door that was wide open behind him. He looked up at him, her big brown eyes brimming with emotion and confusion.

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