Ep 1: Fear the Blue Terror?

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After an intro, the scene opens up with Mario Bros(CMB) and Eddie watching TV.

Mario(CMB): Oh, I love the news!

Luigi(CMB): But the news are stupid and boring.

Mario(CMB): Oh let's just try and watch it.

Luigi(CMB): Okey.

Eddie: Wonder what the news are going to talk about?

Then the scene switches to the news they were watching to.

K. Nerd: OK, so we're talking about these portals. Portals are very interesting.

T. Nerd: Exactly!

K. Nerd: They lead to different dimensions which was allows you to go to different dimensions. It's dimensional dimension that you go to the dimension-

T. Nerd: I believe that the portals lead to different planet.

K. Nerd: *Look at him* What?

T. Nerd: I said, I think the portals lead to different planet.

He still look at him as he didn't believe in his statement.

K. Nerd: No they lead you to different dimensions-

T. Nerd: No they don't, they lea- di- They don't lead you to dimension, they lead planet!

K. Nerd: Shut up!

They begin a slap fight.

T. Nerd: Shut up!

K. Nerd: Shut up!

T. Nerd: You're such a nerd!

K. Nerd just brings a gun out of nowhere and fires a single shot while the background plays Imogen Heap - Hide And Seek as T. Nerd just falls down to the bench as K. Nerd just repeatedly fires at him as the music just repeats every shot. Then we get back to the protagonists after watching the news.

Luigi (CMB): Well this is just stupid.

Eddie: Why would they still record guy shot on of his own member?

Luigi just turn off the TV.

Mario(CMB): Hey I was watching that!

Luigi(CMB): well I wasn't.

He walks away.

Mario(CMB): Ugh Luigi.

Then the scene shows a room.

Luigi(CMB): You'll never catch me!

He jumps to where kitchen is located.

Mario(CMB): Oh yes I will!

He jumps to it as well.

Eddie: *Sigh* Kids.

He just casually walks in where there's a three bowl on a table.

Luigi(CMB): Breakfast time, yummy yummy breakfast time.

Mario just pushes the bowl in for setup.

Mario(CMB): Oh, here we go.

Luigi(CMB): Oh my gosh, I get the big boy bowl! *Look to audience/readers* Guess what everybody, I got the big boy bowl. Wow.

Mario(CMB): Well actually these two bowl are for me and one for Eddie. I'm actually really hungry.

Luigi(CMB): ... ... You're mean to me.

Mario(CMB): Ugh.

He passes one bowl for Luigi.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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