29- All about Date

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"Rin, You never been on a date before, have you..?" He asks, while looking at her with a small smile as he washed the dishes while she wiped them.

"Date...?" She tilts her head before blushing in embarrassment and looking away. " N-no...not really...we talked about this before, didn't we..?"

He leans back with a small smirk. "Eh...? So you've never been in one, huh?" He chuckled. "I know, it is just amusing to hear it from you."

"Is this one of your mockery again?" She huffed slightly at him.

"You're missing out on the royalty treatment, Rin..trust me." He grinned.

She grunted and looks away. "Well, I'm sorry I'm not the charming one like you who gets chances to go on dates every now and then.."

He let out a loud and hearty laugh before turning the faucet off.

"Well, in that case, do you want me to take you on your first...?" He looks at her. Rin, surprised, looks at him.

"M-me..?" She widened her eyes. "Me? On a date??"

He chuckled. "Yes, what's wrong with that? Just taking my best friend out to have a good time." He shrugged. "Nothing could go wrong here now, could it?"

Rin blinks at him. "If that's the case, then it's just an outing, right?" She thought. "Like, we have been to cafe before or something of that sort... they weren't dates..."

Gojo smiled, understanding Rin's confusion. He leaned back, considering her question before responding. "You're right, Rin. We've hung out and spent time together before, but this time, it's about creating a special experience just for the two of us. It's about going beyond our usual outings and doing something memorable together." He says with an alluring charm, running his fingers through his hair.

"Eh...is that how it is...? Walk me through, a typical date with THE Gojo Satoru.." She teased, holding her laughter in.

Gojo chuckled at Rin's teasing remark, playing along with her curiosity. He leaned forward, closer to her face as he began to describe a typical date with his signature flair.

"Alright, Rin, brace yourself for a legendary Gojo Satoru-style date!!" He said while his voice held enthusiasm and cockiness. "First, we'll start with a scenic walk in the evening, maybe in a beautiful park or by the river. We'll stroll leisurely, enjoying the tranquil atmosphere and engaging in lighthearted conversations. I'll make sure to crack some jokes to keep you laughing."

Rin raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on her face. "Oh, nothing new. Alright, continue." Rin leaned back against the counter, fully immersed in Gojo's storytelling.

"After our pleasant walk, we'll find a cozy spot to sit and enjoy a delicious meal. It could be a fancy restaurant or even a picnic setup, depending on the mood. I'll make sure to choose a place that serves your favorite dishes and surprises you with some new flavors." He then smirks at her. "Maybe some desserts too.."

Rin's eyes lit up at the mention of food. "Ah, desserts huh..?"

Gojo chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Absolutely!! But the surprises don't end there. After our delightful feast, it's time for an adventure!"

"Adventure?" Rin's curiosity piqued. "What kind of adventure are we talking about here?"

Gojo leaned forward, his voice filled with excitement. "It could be anything, Rin. Maybe we'll go for a thrilling amusement park ride, or we'll try our luck at an exciting arcade game. We could even go on a mini road trip to a nearby town and explore its hidden gems. The goal is to create unforgettable memories and enjoy each other's company."

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