The boy's eyes shined as he inched closer. 

"Me? Are you trying to say Bug?" he asked curiously. 

Mom was at her desk, a boy sat on the other side as they talked about whatever. 

"Ma, bu, bub," Tenko said. 

He looked back at his mom briefly before he got even closer, Tenko giggling as he did. Kota laughed and sat behind him, trying to lift him up. 

He sat in between his legs, holding his stomach, since he'd seen them hold Tenko enough to know that babies were wobbly. 

"Ahooo, pwa!" Tenko said, giggling as he shuffled around. 

He picked up a block and waved it around. 

"So when are you going to be able to talk? We need to talk," Kota said, shifting the baby to stare at him. 

"You can't keep waking up all night, Mama's tired, and that's our sleep time," Kota scolded the baby, but he just giggled, grabbing at Kota's face. 

"Hey!" Kota said, but couldn't stop his giggling as he squeezed his cheeks, making his cheeks go red. 

"Ow," Kota said, but he still laughed. 

Eli glanced over at the boys, smiling gently before returning her focus back to a kid named Kenzo. 

"My apologies, they aren't too distracting are they?" she asked. 

She was willing to hand them over to Touya if she needed to, but it did give her comfort to know that they were right there while she worked. 

"No, no, i-it's alright," Kenzo said, shaking his head, a blush on his face, that contrasted with his blonde hair. 

She knew a lot of blondes, but he seemed to have a specific haircut, a familiar one. 

"So, you want to be moved to the support department? You don't need a reason, but as co-Manager, I've got to ask why," Eli said, smiling as she nodded to herself. 

"W-well, um, your sister actually pushed me to do it," he said, looking down at his hands. 

"Hm, Himi?" she asked, the boy nodding. 

"Y-yes, she got all mixed up, understandable, they mix up our departments all the time," Kenzo sighed. 

Eli frowned, but nodded, allowing him to continue. 

"W-well,  at the time, I was working on one of those hoverboards, but one that actually hovers. I kind of got the idea from Hastume-chan at the Sports Festival, but I skateboard so I was modeling it after that," he said with a nod. 

"You got any blueprints on you, designs?" she asked. 

"Y-yes!" he said, fumbling with his bag to pull out a notebook, papers sticking out. 

He opened it up and flipped threw a number of pages. Eli caught some notes and other designs that she desperately wanted to see, but she allowed him to show her what he wanted to. 

He landed on a page with a skateboard. 

"You're using magnets?" she asked, and he blushed, a bit embarrassed but he nodded. 

"Y-yea, I was hoping to be able to reverse the polarity with some sort of magnetizing agent, then they're the issue with the weight. I-iron or steel would be ideal b-but it's heavy so..." Kenzo said, looking down again. 

Glancing up at him, she smiled at the page. Of course, he needed some notes, but she was sure that with some help, this could be a worthwhile project. 

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