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Eli arrived early the next morning at U.A. After a stop at the Development Studio to tinker with some little things, she sat in the empty classroom of 1A. She yawned a bit as she adjusted herself in her chair and took a sip of her tea, pulling a blanket that Shouta kept in the classroom and put it over her legs as she sat with a freshly printed stack of the course syllabus. That along with some Need-to-Know pink sheets. 

She contemplated just changing into her workshop clothes, which was just a large dark blue jumpsuit she wore when she was working in the shop. Come to think of it, Eli wore it pretty often before she was a teacher's assistant.

She sighed as she forced herself to stand up and place the stack on the podium at the front of the room. As she was doing that, the sliding door opened. Looking over, she saw none of other than Shoto Todoroki. 

Eli smiled at the boy, and the boy couldn't help the small smile that crept upon his face as he approached her especially when he noticed they were the only two here. 

"Morning, Nee-chan," he told her, a soft look in his eye as he smiled at her.  

"Morning Shoto! Oh, here's your syllabus," she said handing him, a kind smile still playing on her lips. 

"Are you tired?" he asked. She laughed sheepishly as she nodded. 

It was rather obvious that she was tired, I mean her hair wasn't even in its normal afro that covered most of her face. Instead, it was split down the middle and went beside her face instead of covering it. It wasn't that she looked bad, but anyone who knew her knew that that was her normal style.

"Ugh yeah, I got home really late," she said with a chuckle. He frowned a bit.

"Would you like some of the tea my sister gave me during her visit? She said that it is supposed to help you feel more replenished when you wake up," Shoto offered her hopefully. 

"Are you sure it's alright Sho? I don't want to take something your sister gave you," Eli said shaking her head. He simply nodded, a determined glint in his eye as he looked at her. 

"Well alright! How about this, I can drive you home and you can give it to me then?" she offered. He nodded since he knew that was about the time his father was out on patrol. 

"What about your... brothers?" he asked, obviously unsure of how to word it. 

"Oh, they'll be walking home today, I have something after, so it'll just be you and me. If you want, we can stop by that place you like and get some soba," she offered again. 

He beamed (which meant his already small smile got slightly bigger and his eyes widened a little) and told her that he'd liked that. Soon the class began to fill, with each student that walked in greeting Eli before a small crowd formed around her. 

Mina leaned against her shoulder as she hugged Eli's arm talking her ear off about all her likes and dislikes while Kirishima and Ojiro talked about their workout routines. Asui stood beside Ururaka next to Mina, in front of Eli, all of them joining on the different conversations Mina was bringing to the table. 

As Eli checked the time, the door opened revealing her brothers. 

"Alright, everyone head to your seats," she called out. The talking soon ceased as everyone immediately went to their seats. 

"Pass them back for me please," she said as she passed a certain number of the syllabus and the Need-to-Know papers to those of them in the front rows. 

"Class is starting in roughly 5 minutes or so, so I ask that you fill out the pink Need-to-Know forms for me please. Take your time with them, this can go into your homeroom period," she told them as she stood behind the podium. A hand was then put out. 

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