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After about a week, everyone, and I mean everyone, had been discharged from the hospital after Recovery Girl came to give one final inspection before giving her approval for their release, but she had to have an important conversation with Himiko before she took her leave. 

"Himi darling?" she asked the girl. 

Himiko smiled widely at the old lady and came closer to her call. 

"I know that you've been trying to enter General Studies, but I-" the older lady cleared her throat and continued. "Do you think you'd be interested in being my official assistant? I would work around your school schedule of course but I've never had a student to catch on so quickly to so much information," Recovery Girl, pure astonishment on her wrinkled features. 

It was true and Himiko's background played a part in this as well. Being by herself as a young girl on the street required her to be able to take care of herself, physically at least. That meant cleaning herself up after a brawl and knowing how to stop bleeding, and making sure her body was cold enough so that she wouldn't bleed out. 

"Really!?" she asked, an excited tone lining her voice, her brothers behind her staring at her proudly as she nodded her head, accepting the position with a loud squeal before her arms flew out to hug Recovery Girl. 

She also loved the fact that even though she wasn't technically a student yet, she was still considered one regardless. 

"Oh, deary!" Recovery Girl giggled under the weight of the younger girl and rubbed her back with a small hand smiling gently at the girls' brothers who, despite looking very proud of their sister, were slowly starting to bicker as quietly as they could. 

Now, finally, after so much time and bullshit, the Midori's were finally home. 

"Espresso!" Hitoshi said happily, the cat meowing and her two little babies, who were on their way to not being so little trotting up to their respective 'owners', and by owners that meant the people who named them. 

When the babies had been born, Eli asked Hitoshi if would it be alright for some of his siblings to name them. Hitoshi was fine with it, as long as they didn't name them anything stupid. 

But Himiko and Shoto took that power and ran with it. 

"Diesel!" Himiko said happily, the little black cat trotting up happily and rubbing his back against Himiko's leg until the young girl picked him up. 

Diesel... short for Vin Diesal. 

Diesel had black fur that was shortish, unlike his mother, and had green eyes with a blotch of blue on his left. He was an eccentric little cat, always doing the strangest of things like jumping distances he'd no doubt fall from and flipping out whenever he got too excited.

"Rhaeyns, second of her name, Queen of the Andles, the Roynar, and the First Men, Lady of House Mido," Shoto said with a very serious expression as the cat climbed up his leg and nuzzled itself into the left side of the boy's neck. 

... The Midoriya household did in fact binge House of the Dragon... like 5 times. 

Rhaenys had longer hair, and splotches of black and brown fur on her, with fully green eyes. She also had this little thing she does with her tongue, making it always stick out a little, which gave her this cute little dumb face that no one in the house could get enough of. 

Eli smiled as she watched the children say hello to cats and give them their fair share of pets, them particularly waiting for Kota, for all three of them loved the little boy. 

They poked their little noses at his face making the boy giggle as he softly scratched their heads. Eli smiled again before setting Kota down. 

"Alright, go on to bed guys, I know you're tired," Eli said, waving them upstairs. 

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