Best day ever

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My usual routine of playing twisted wonderland get daily rewards and do history classes. Every single day. A new event no problem done the first day, and some how I don't spend my money. I am currently 17 and driving to the library. I am good friends with the librarian.

"Hey there Y/n are you looking for another romance book again?" He said. I shook my head.

"No I'm just here to look around." As I said that I explored there's two floors. I came across one section but there was a book with no picture not a skull or a flower. It said twisted wonderland. I quickly take the book in excitement but I saw flashes of blood. Then I blanked out.

I woke up surrounded mist and big stems from flowers. Then I hear voices from the flowers.

"Hello?" I said as I walk closer then I heard the voices get louder.

"Would you like to hear a song?" One of the tulips asked

"Oh no I'm good." The other voice answered

"Maybe it's because your petals are growing old and not likable." One of the roses said.

"What are you talking about my petals are more gorgeous than yours. Besides your love is most likely going to leave you for a rose like me."  The red rose said.

"Miss Red Rose that's not nice to say. You're both gorgeous but please help me." You hear another voice but a male. You peak your head to see a blond tall boy who looked 18 at least with a blue ribbon on top of his head. He turned his head towards the other rose to see someone in the corner of his eye, and looked directly at you.

"Hi! Excuse me do you know the way out of here." He said. He walked towards you 4 ft from you.

"Sorry no I don't. I don't know where I am." You said. As you said that his eyes widen and happy that he wasn't the only one there. But once he looked at you he noticed your clothes and saw it wasn't similar to his.

"What's your name?" You asked hoping that you both could help each other.

"Alistair it's nice to meet you. And yours my lady." Alistair said giving a nice friendly smile.

"Y/n it's nice to meet you Alistair." You checked him out and he was a handsome pretty boy. He then noticed you checking him out and starts being embarrassed and touches his face.

"Is there something on my face." He asked. You were shaking your head no.

"No! Sorry, it's just that.....never mind." You said.

"Hey you two." Some male voice said. You both looked around and saw a boy with purple hair and golden yellow eyes. He was laying on a tree branch.

"What you going to keep staring or something. Anyway my name is Chenya. Not that it matters." He said with a smirk.

"Can you tell us where we are?" You asked. Chenya looked at you slowly. He look at you confused.

"You're in Wonderland of course what a weird question." He answered. Your eyes widen in realization that's Chenya from the game. Even tho he said his name you now got to exited.

"CHENYA!!" You yelled. He looked at you.

"Yes?" He answered

"You're Chenya?"


"OMG" You started giggling and Alistair looked at you weird and Chenya started getting scared a little.

"You know him or...." Alistair asked. Then you thought about it if you said yes he would say that he never met you but you said no.

"Then why are you giggling?" Alistair asked.

Never want to leave (various x fl reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя