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When/if the outfit changes it will always be placed up top ^^

(I cant wait until she stops wearing skaikru clothes tho)

(I cant wait until she stops wearing skaikru clothes tho)

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That was something Reyna was unsure of. The teen girl truly did not know the extent of her sanity, how tight her grip was on her own mind. Whether she was slowly tipping over the edge, or safely planted on the ground, she did not know. 

There was the possibility that she was long gone. It was possible that she lost it a long time ago, that her mind had withered into nothingness. That her sanity had swirled down the drain. Sometimes she had thought she was going insane. Whether she would have absurd thoughts, or hear noises that weren't really there. 

But she supposes that was the consequence for being locked away her whole life. Reyna had never truly had an interaction with another person, beside the guard. Being locked away caused the girl to think differently to others, act different. Although to her, her behaviour was normal. 

Reyna was the only person she truly knew, and that was sad considering she was Reyna. 

Whenever the girl would stare at the scratched, grey, metal walls sometimes she would envision them to be something else. Specifically something with more life, more colour, something like trees. Oh how Reyna longed to see a tree. 

In the books she had read trees seemed ethereal, otherworldly. And in a way they were. Considering no one had truly seen a tree in over a hundred years that is. 

Reyna had sometimes pictured herself being the first. The first to explore the ground in over a hundred years, the first to breath fresh, non-artificial, air. The first to drink water from a crystal clear lake, the first to see an animal, but she could only hope so much. After all her fantasies were to stay fantasies. 

Until they did not. 

"No!" She shouted, thrashing in the firm arms that had her held down. 

The light pressure and sting could be felt as the bracelet clamped onto her wrist. Another cry leaving her lips as the guard shoved her out the door. An almost animalistic growl leaving her mouth as she stumble on her own feet. Silver eyes glaring at the guard. 

Was this truly to be it?

Reyna Cadel, a forgotten soul, a helpless teenage girl, dying at the hands of some jackass. How pitiful. What a horrid way to die, for today she would be floated, for today would be the prisoners of the ark's last day in the living. 

Arms being held behind her back as she continued being shoved forward by the arrogant guards, Reyna's eyes searched the scene placed before her. Grey eyes frantically moving as she watch every teenage prisoner be roughly led out of their cells. 

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