Chapter sixty-one

Beginne am Anfang

We then went back to the hotel, since there weren't many people left at the paddock. - we got into our room and then we both changed clothes, before we headed to meet Daniel in his room, where we afterwards probably are gonna be staying for a while, talking and having fun .

We had been inside his room for a bit of time taking, mostly we talked about the practices today which was fine by me. - "So Daniel, we actually have something to ask you.." Charles said with a smile. "Whatever it is, my answer is yes!" He laughed, and so did we. "No sorry, what would you like to ask me?" He asked and listened..

"Danny, you already know how much I love you, and you're my best friend ever!. So we wanted to ask if you would like to become our daughter's godfather?" I asked and smiled. "Wow! It would be an honor, thank you so much guys!" He answered with a big smile, he looked surprised but still I think he had a little idea that we would ask him.. "She will be lucky to have you Daniel," Charles said and hugged him. "Yeah, but I think I'm the lucky one. They're gonna be so spoiled by her godparents. Who is the other one?" He asked while also giving me a big hug. "We chose Pierre, since Charles and Pierre are best friends" I answered. "That's a good choice, lucky kids!" He laughed.. and he's so damn right.

The third practice and qualifying went alright, and today was already  Sunday, which means race day! Charles is starting in p7 so it's not the best position, but hopefully he can overtake the ones in front of him. Max got pole yesterday, so he's starting p1 which is great!

We got ready and drove towards the track, once we arrived we did all the usual stuff. Got pictures taken, Charles signed a few autographs and talked to some of the fans which he loves to do. - Afterwards we went to the hospitality where Charles had several things to do, so I met up with Isa as he went to do the things he needed to do.

"Hey Oli" Isa smiled as she walked closer to me. "Hey, how are you doing?" I asked as we hugged each other. "I feel great, I got to workout this morning before coming here! So I'm really fresh today" she laughed. "I wish I could say the same, I'm literally so tired! And I feel like I could die for a workout soon" I said. We went to sit down in the little cafeteria inside Ferrari's hospitality, where we got some food.. - "Aren't you getting much sleep?" She asked. "I am, but it's just the babies that make me wake up a few times a night. I can't imagine what it will be like when they're born" I answered. "Oh yeah, fingers crossed they will be easy babies! And remember I'm here to help with anything if you guys need it" she smiled.. "thanks Isa really.. And yeah I'm really praying they'll be easy, but with me as their mother and Charles their father, plus they're half Verstappens I doubt they'll be easy" I said and then we both laughed, because we knew it probably is true facts.

Time flew by and it was time for the race to begin. Isa and I were sitting in the back of the garage, where we watched the race on the screens. The formation lap began and Max led the other 19 drivers back to the starting line.. The five red lamps went out, and the race now officially began. My heart was beating fast, the start of a race is always so nerve wracking, since anything can happen.

George tried to overtake Max, and Lewis and Fernando also had a little battle for third, it was exciting. "Oh fuck, no!" I said and shook my head. "No, what the fuck happened!" Andrea asked, as he was also sitting with Isa and I. Charles spun off  in turn 3, and he was now in the gravel.. The safety car was out, and it looked like Charles was done for today.. "Is he out of the race?" I asked. "Yeah, and he looks really mad!" Andrea said and looked at me. "Oh god" I answered, as I couldn't stop looking at the screens until I knew he was out and hundred percent safe.. "I'm sorry Oli, he doesn't deserve this.." Isa said. "He really doesn't, this is bad.. I'll go talk to him when he returns" I answered.. "Good idea, Olivia," Andrea smiled.

The safely car drove away, and the race began again. And just as it had restarted, Charles had returned to the garage. "I'll be right back" I said and got up from the chair, and walked towards his driver's room. "Charles, can I come in?" I asked as I knocked on the door.. "Of course love" he said as he had opened the door, I walked inside and I could see nothing else but disappointment on his face.. - "I'm sorry this happened.." I said as he went to give me a hug. "I just can't understand what is happening, this season so far is shit for me. We are supposed to have one of the best cars, but we look like fucking losers in our car" Charles said disspointed. "I know.. Something is definitely wrong, but you are not losers!" I said. "I'm not sure, I keep bringing failure to the team" he said as he changed clothes, from his race suit to his usual ferrari t-shirt and his red pants. "No you don't. The car is what's wrong, you are doing everything you can, and that is enough!".. I hated seeing him like this, last year wasn't his year either, and this year already seems bad. I really wish the car didn't suck so much..

"Hmm.. Thanks for being here though, I would go nuts if you weren't here to calm me down" He said and walked closer to me. "Of course, I'm not going anywhere" I smiled and went to give him a kiss. "Me either, I love you so much" he smiled. "I love you" I answered..
We walked out of the room, and then Charles had to attend some interviews, so I just returned back to the garage to Isa and Andrea, and then he would join us whenever he's finished..

"Is he alright?" Isa asked as I had returned back to them. "Not really, but he's managing it alright" I answered. "You're good for him, Olivia" Andrea smiled. "Yeah thanks, I'm trying my best" I smiled. "Wow what did I miss? Red flag?" I asked as I looked at the screens. "Alex crashed in turn 7" Isa said.. "Oh god, is he alright?" I asked worriedly. "He is, he's out. But his car is not, it might take a while to clean that up" Andrea answered. "Jesus, not even 7 laps into the race and already two drivers out" I said and tried to figure out what just happened.

The race went on, but it wasn't without problems. George's car was literally on fire and was out of the race. Kevin stopped and was out because of too much debris on track, so the race had to stop, with only two laps left.
After a good amount of time, the race could begin again, with only two laps. Max got away nicely, but right behind Fernando and Lewis battled for p2. Fernando was tapped into a spin by Carlos, and further back there was a bigger contact situation, the cars were all over the track and once again the red flags were out! No one understood what was happening right at this moment, it was crazy!

Pierre, Esteban, Nyck and Logan were all out of the race as well, and Fernando and Lance were now out of top ten, and in the back of the grid. Thankfully the four drivers were out of their cars, and were alright! - Replays were shown while we waited for an update on the race. The replays looked so crazy.

It was decided that the race could begin again and the restart order was decided.. A few seconds later the stewards had decided that Carlos would get a 5 second time penalty because of what happened between him and Fernando, which is totally unfair, and he was furious. "This is far from fair, it wasn't his fault!" Isa said, angry. "What are the stewards even thinking, idiots!" I answered and I was really angry on Carlos behalf. So was Charles, Isa and Carlos's manager/ cousin who's also named Carlos..

The race now began again for what felt like the hundredth time today, and Max got away perfectly just as I was hoping for. There were now only 12 cars left, and these 12 cars were the only ones to finish the race.. Max won, of course he did! He is really unbeatable, and I love it. It's his first ever win in Australia, so that's amazing. Lewis finished p2 and Fernando p3.

A good amount of time later, all drivers had finished their interviews. Isa and I went back to the hotel together, and then we got some food because both of us were really hungry. Carlos and Charles stayed behind since they had some things to run over with the team. Today had been a terrible day for the ferrari team, so the mood there wasn't the best.. Overall the race had been madness, so many safety cars, red and yellow flags, and only 12 cars to finish the race, I can't believe what happened today at the race.. I hope Charles and Carlos can come back stronger next time in Baku.

Isa and I ate our delicious food together, and then we chilled for a bit. I was so tired, I could really feel in my entire body that I haven't been relaxing much today, which I think the babies could as well, because they were kicking a bit when I finally sat down and relaxed. I loved it. It's the best feeling ever. - The boys returned after an hour and a half, we just spent much of the rest of the day together, the four of us and it was really nice..

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Another chapter for you guys, I hope you liked it. What a race it was in Australia, jesus!! - Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading along. Lots of love from me 🤍✨

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