A Carrier In Brig

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The devastating attack on Queen Elizabeth was a tragic a sight for the Royals present, as the ship was set ablaze it was quickly put out and once damages revealed itself it was severe on the place of impact (The bow) and risked compromising the Ammunition Magazines.

Hood and the others tugged the Queen Elizabeth along whilst the Eagle Union girls expressed concern to the Royals.

Once they reached the harbor, word had already spiral out of control and basically everyone heard the news, to satisfy their curiosity they went out to the port and see the damages and once it sailed through the strait it painted a dreadful picture dealing a huge blow to morale. Wales and Illustrious was one of the many observers, looking the damaged with shame and guilt they had not anticipated such a devastating attack to what seemed like a mild initiative. Explanations for who had instigated the attack remain in a shroud of mystery though from the accounts of Hood who had also been a victim herself seemed to be detrimental but questions still lie ahead.

Once they had reached the Infirmary, Wales, Illustrious along with her sister Unicorn was met with a silent room already told more than what it was worth. Edinburgh and Sheffield guarded the entrance as Vestal made her exit, Hood and Warspite sat down right next to an unconscious Elizabeth.

"Good afternoon, Warspite. Hood."

"Good afternoon to you as well Wales." Hood greeted back while Warspite remained silent of guilt, as Illustrious silently prayed for Elizabeth's recovery while Unicorn stood by silently, gripping to her plush upon seeing Elizabeth.

"How is Her Majesty?" Wales inquired of the well being of Elizabeth.

"Vestal says that it is significant, meticulous care and time is the only medication for Her Majesty."

"I see.." Wales could only pinpoint this tragedy to herself, for an outsider bearing this guilt was nonsensical considering the enviroment of Battles where the unexpected prospers.

"Can you elaborate on the projectile?" Wales asked, intending to pay her salvation after this blunderous ordeal.

"The Projectile beared the apperance of a Rocket, 2 appeared from the cover of the clouds and as if it had sentience, it calibrated itself towards me and Her Majesty.." Hood trailed off as Wales wanted to know more.

"Any notable features?" Wales questioned as Hood hummed a little before replying.

"From the glimpse of it, I could remember that it donned a white color with a red nose cone." As Hood noted what she could remember, Wales grabbed her chin in wonder of this Alien weapon, such foreign weaponry only points to the Siren with this hypothesis Wales assumes that Siren Activity may be more active than it is actually reported leaving to her fears of the Faction's conflicting interests may conclude in the downfall of Mankind.

"We need more information else we risk blunders in our judgement, can you perhaps give more information about the origin of the Rocket? It's origin of direction to be precise." Wales asked once more, wanting to squeeze every valuable information she could acquire.

"Miss Cleveland said that before the Rocket crashed onto Her Majesty she and the others saw a trail of white smoke that came from the South."

'South..' Wales repeated to herself, at the time of the attack it was 1300 hours. She recounted all of the Groups that was tasked to patrol down South, though at the time of the attack (0755 hours) all Patrolling Groups were called back in the aid of Defense of the Azur Lane Base to which Wales saw it as a mistake to announce such an attack on Open Radio, for now Wales had to focus on the present she can only regret over the past as the future lies uncertain though for now she will have to inspect every Patrol Reports to find a lead.

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