Chapter V: Sneaky Minister

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Malazan sneaked out the valley after having a conversation with the prince of Alterious. His moves were calculated and carefull as he followed the emperor of Alterious-Merlin Davarsh IV with his few allies. Malazan had his forehead creased while removing the dirt and leaves hanged onto his clothes, regretting his decision and should have send one of his spies instead.

However, he knew that sending a spy would be a disaster, betrayal exist and it shouldn’t be ignored. This is a royal family matters and it is much more desirable if he’ll do the work rather than hiring someone to do it for him. He valued the privacy of the royal family…well at least he doesn’t publicize them behalf of their image.

“What on earth are they doing?” Malazan asked himself as he silently watches the soldiers that the emperor brought with him. They had their tent placed in circle, ready for the rest of the night they’ll spend. Malazan was surprised, he didn’t know that their expedition will take two days. Now he has to find a way and a close yet unoticeable spot to camp for the rest of the night.

“This is a disaster,” Malazan remarked. he sighed as he seek for a spot that will serve as his temporary home. The wind was blowing harshly making him cozy and felt the tingling sensation of the night. Winter is coming, and he has to prepare for it.

Malazan put down his coat and sat on the fallen branch of the three. judging the spot he found, seemed like someone had already camp in here. The burned wooden in the middle was still fresh, smoke was still visible coming out of the wood and ascending to the wind.

“When will you learn to stop, Mazan,” the familiar yet soothing voice he heard. Taking him back him into reminiscing and wanting to surrender at last.

“You knew exactly the answer to that…I never stop,” Malazan answered. He faced the owner of the voice sideways, seeing the fireflies flickered from his peripheral vision. There was feeling of familiarity ang comfort he wanted to secure himself after fidgeting in the realms of melancholy…he is that desperate.

Malazan is so done with this hide and seek, he just wanted to be with her and embrace her just like before. But he knew he couldn’t. at the end of the day, he is just a lonely man whose ambition is too impossible to reach.

Or is it?

"You know I can read your thoughts." The flickering lights of the fireflies was getting nearer, litting up the campsite without using a flame. Malazan's peripheral vision sighted the figure of the woman, however, it was blured. Blured like when someone stirs up the water, blured like how you see things the moment you began to open your eyes.

Malazan breathed in the smell of the ocean, even knowing that he was miles away from it. Coldness is all he felt as he chose to stare on the dark night sky where he witness the cluster stellars. How stars group themselves to create a beautiful scenery of the milky way visible on his sight.

Such a fascinating phenomenon.

But no other phenomenon would fascinate him like the woman from his behind. The woman who once send him into a rollercoaster ride then ditch him when he was on the top, on the top of the fragile railways that could soonly collapse.

"Does it even matter?" Malazan chuckled to himself. He no longer cares if she do or not. The figure of the woman reached him until she was already standing behind him. He did not dared to move nor utter a word, he juat sat silently staring at the sky.

They stayed like that for a moment until the woman chose to sauntered to his front, blocking his view with the light she was radiating. And once again, of course, Malazan didn't do anything but stare at her. She still look exactly the last time he saw her. 

[Sneak peak] Imperial Carnage: The Retaliation Of The Fallen EmpireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang