"Look after the Empire while I am away," he commanded. He turned his back and walked inside the Royal Carriage, as they sauntered their way away from Quintrelle. The Castle of Quintrelle was located in the middle of the Quintrelle's wall wherein they keep a boundary which separates them from the others. The wall serves as the apple of their empire, it keeps the outsiders and invadors away from getting into their territory. 

Emperor Remualdo Bozidar II is very strict about the law which he established during the first reign of Quintrelle. He kept his people onto his and wrapped them with security by not allowing them to marry an outsider, whom a person cannot be consider as Quintrellians. Anyone who dares to break the law shall be executed in behalf of Quintrelle's safety. It became the biggest question mark among Quintrellians people. The only citizen whose allowed to enter and exit the Empire of Quintrelle are royals and aristocrats but must have the permission of the Emperor or the prince themselves.

"What's with the sudden call, Krypton?" nonchalantly asked which earned a dead gaze from him. 

"I am a prince, a noble man perhaps, are you allowed to call me by my name without addressing a proper manner?" Krypton asked. A soft cotton pillow roughly hit him from the men standing infront of him, staring at him nonchalantly and ridiculously.

Prince Renjiro Endymion from the Empire of Ascian and Prince Raven Laricevoiŕ of Evanescent, his two cousins from the neighboring empire which was summoned in the castle for the said convenience.

"My brothers, are you that blind to not see me sitting on this royal chair?" he asked, gesturing his hands dramatically, embossing the skills he learned in theaters when he was a kid.

"Cut the crap, Krypton. We came here for the information of what convenience you mentioned. We are not here to deal with you prolonging our time of madness," Renjiro said.

"Truly," Raven gradually agreed. Krypton stood from his seat as he walks across the room.

"Brothers, do not be engulf in madness for it blindens you of the truth." Renjiro took another pillow placed beside his seat and ready to throw it but Raven had stopped him, "The reason behind the call of action is I am boredly isolated inside this castle in which I cannot escape. I need someone to entertain me and save me from this madness I couldn't take."

"You called us for your source of pleasure?" Raven asked, offended.

"Precisely," Krypton answered with no hesitation. He drank the glass of wine in his hand as he met the gazes of the two men seating looking at him done with his actions. Raven ridiculously signal Renjiro to continue his plan, crossing his arms and leaning back from the settee. 

It is common for Krypton to see the emperor go outside the empire with some of the army beside his. It is that important for the emperor to be surrounded with guards as the ruler of their empire. However, what caught his attention is that the amount of army he brought today is twice of an army he usually bought.

'Something is wrong…definitely,' he thought.

Another pillow hit Krypton's face which brought him back to reality. He glared at the two who's giving him a questioning look about his sudden space out.

"We, my friends," Krypton opened his arms dramatically, "might be on the verge of trouble brought by a foreign continent."

Raven looked at Renjiro questioningly. Renjiro raised a brow before he spoke.

"What trouble? Trouble of you and your scandalous action?" Renjiro asked boredly.

"Oh I wish," Krypton remarked, "but I'm afraid this is not about that, anymore…Renji. This is no longer about saving my ass to girls."

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