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Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have always been close since they were Children, the two have grown up and now have jobs. They always thought about living together, and one day; they got an apartment together! Hua Cheng insisted that he paid all the bills but Xie Lian eventually forced him that they split half of the bills each.

Today was a Saturday, finally! The day the both of them were free the whole entire day! Xie Lian was exhausted from being overworked at his job as a real estate agent.

"SAN LANG!" Xie Lian called out for Hua Cheng "Can we order food instead? I'm too tired to cook." Xie Lian yawned since he just woke up, but as for Hua Cheng; he was already awake at 5 AM in the morning.

"Alright, Gege. What do you want to order?" Hua Cheng opened the Tian Foods app and scrolled around it for abit after Xie Lian made up his mind

"I want to order a pizza, I want the toppings to be pepperoni and cheese only." Xie Lian stretched his back by arching it

"Pizza? Gege, are you sure? It's 8 AM." Hua Cheng looked up at Xie Lian while he was stretching, he noticed that his back is arched and quickly looked back down to his phone to avoid getting flustered

"Yes, San Lang. I am sure." Xie Lian stopped stretching and plopped down on the couch next to Hua Cheng, he lays his head on Hua Cheng's shoulders; watching him order the food.

"Is this all?" Hua Cheng asked to make sure that that's all they will eat for this morning

"Mhm." Xie Lian nodded while his head still laid on Hua Cheng's shoulders. Hua Cheng places the order and it will arrive in about.. 30-40 minutes, while the two waited; they cleaned the house a little bit

After the food arrived and they ate, they decided to invite their friends to go to the mall or maybe an ice skating rink. They all decided that they will go to an ice skating rink since the mall was too boring and basic.

Xie Lian and Hua Cheng went to go get ready, Hua Cheng let Xie Lian shower first and after Xie Lian's shower, That was when Hua Cheng finally showered.

The two changed into their desired clothes, Xie Lian wearing a white hoodie and under that hoodie was a plain white sweater. He put on some slightly oversized jeans and his necklace that San Lang gave him, the necklace had a beautiful ring attached to it, he put on some converse shoes and was ready. As for Hua Cheng; he wore a red shirt and some black jeans, he put on a Rolex watch and some red shoes.

The two were finally dressed up and head on their way to pick up their friends. By friends, they mean Shi Qingxuan, Ming Yi, Yin Yu, and Pei Ming. It was a surprise that 6 people could fit Hua Cheng's car.

The first to be picked up was Shi Qingxuan, they got in the back row and started having a conversation with Xie Lian while Hua Cheng drived to pick up Ming Yi next.

The next to be picked up was Ming Yi, he sat next to Shi Qingxuan and stayed quiet half the ride. He spoke a few words one or two times but mostly quiet.

Next to be picked up was Yin Yu, the good thing is that Ming Yi and Yin Yu lived near eachother. Yin Yu hopped in the back row, the back of Shi Qingxuan and Ming Yi's seat. The that Hua Cheng owned could seat 6 people so it wasn't really a problem.

Last to be picked up was Pei Ming. One of the reasons why he was last to be picked up because he takes way too fucking long to get ready and his excuse is always "To impress the ladies." And because he lived the farthest.

After everyone was in Hua Cheng's car, he drove the ice skating rink. The ride was around an hour or two

When they arrived, they rented skates and immediately put them on. Almost all of them sucked at skating, except for Hua Cheng. He knew how to skate, he is skilled in practically everything besides something that requires handwriting. Xie Lian admired that about Hua Cheng

"San Lang, can you please help me?" Xie Lian shakily makes his way to Hua Cheng and accidentally tripped, luckily Hua Cheng caught him right on time

"Are you okay, Gege?" Hua Cheng helped Xie Lian balance himself on ice, Xie Lian still couldn't help it but shake a bit on ice while Hua Cheng held him

"NO! I HATE ICE SKATING!" Xie Lian said, holding Hua Cheng tighter and tighter. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng slowly made their way to the counter to ask for one of those trainer penguin things.

When Xie Lian finally balance, he held on tight on those trainer penguins while he slowly followed Hua Cheng.

Shi Qingxuan also asked for Hua Cheng to help him but Hua Cheng refused and skated away, while Xie Lian slowly and shakily followed him

'Fucking asshole! Emotional support whore! Virgin! Fucking manwhore! Slut! He only wants to help Xie Lian!' Shi Qingxuan cussed in his mind and immediately fell to the ground, face flat after.

He Xuan noticed this and immediately helped Shi Qingxuan up "Dumbass, are you okay? Are you hurt?" He Xuan started examining Shi Qingxuan's face

Shi Qingxuan blushed a little bit and pushed He Xuan's hands away "I'm alright! No need to... Worry!" Shi Qingxuan tried balancing himself but fell on He Xuan. Luckily, he catched the both of them.

"Haha.. Thank you!" Shi Qingxuan laughed awkwardly and held on tight to He Xuan while he just grinned

Xie Lian slowly turned around while on his little penguin "Was this on purpose or?.." Xie Lian's grip got tighter on that penguin trainer

"Pfft.. Those whores need to get a love life. And yes, I knew that Shi Qingxuan was most likely gonna fall, face flat on the ground if I didn't help him, and when He Xuan noticed he fell; he would of course help him. He is like.. madly inlove with Shi Qingxuan." Hua Cheng snickered

"I completely agree with you but.. don't call them 'whores'! That's rude." Xie Lian scolded

"Woah, you swear?" Pei Ming snuck up on them, and grinned when he heard Xie Lian say 'whore'

"Oh, shut up, Pei Ming. You're the whore here." Hua Cheng said with a glare towards Pei Ming

"Hold your horses, Hua Cheng!" Pei Ming laughed and skated away shakily.

"Son of a bitch." Hua Cheng stuck up his middle finger towards Pei Ming, but Xie Lian put Hua Cheng's hand down

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This is my 3rd wattpad story about hualian. Sorry if I have grammatical mistakes, english really isn't my first language. 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠'⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。

TOTAL WORDS: 1177 words.

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