Chapter 24: Masking the Moment

Start from the beginning

Natasha walked into the kitchen and pulled Steve up from the chair capturing him in a passionate kiss. She then turned her attention to other side of the table.

“It’s good to see you Peter, I wish it was under better circumstances.”

Peter nodded in agreement, “Me too Aunty Nat.”

Wanda pulled away from the teenager boy, “So what happened Peter?”

“Wanda let him settle,” rebuked Natasha, “has Steve showed you, your room?”

Peter nodded.

“Ok sweetheart, why don’t we have some dinner and watch a film?”

Wanda frowned at the term of endearment being used to address Peter.

“Wanda go get changed out of your uniform, and this time fold it up on your chair, I’m not ironing your blazer again.”

“But you love ironing Mama!” joked Wanda. Natasha narrowed her eyes at the teen playfully. “Go on…”

After Wanda had left the room, Natasha turned her attention to the other teenager. She walked over to him and placed a kiss on his head, the affection was enough to break the last wall the boy had up. He threw himself into Natasha’s arms sobbing.

“You are ok Peter, you are safe with us. We will keep you safe. It won’t be for long, you will see everyone again soon,” she cajoled keeping her tone soft. Peter just gripped the older woman tighter, like he was scared to let go. Natasha sat on the chair pulling the teenager onto her lap, Peter just went along with the action. She stroked his hair gently, “you know Steve makes the best hot cocoa in the world.”

Steve took the hint to go over to the stove and start heating the milk up. Peter started to calm himself down, and now looked embarrassed. He went to stand up but Natasha held him in place. He used his sleeve to wipe some of his tears away, “Sorry…”

“Don’t apologise little spider, you’ve had quite the few days. ”

Peter relaxed again into the older woman’s arms, neither said anything as Steve bustled around the kitchen. Eventually he placed the mug in front of the teenager. Wanda took that moment to reappear now dressed in sweatpants and one of Steve’s hoodies. She walked in surveying the domestic scene in front of her. Her stomach felt heavy as if she had swallowed lead. Wanda couldn’t place the emotion she was feeling. Watching Peter drink her Hot cocoa while sat on her Mama’s lap. Jealously was not something she had really experienced before, she understood Envy. Growing up in a war torn country with the benefits of technology meant she had some understanding of what others had. But this sensation of zealous vigilance and protectiveness she felt over her parents was new.

Steve noticed the flash of emotions across the younger girl’s face as she walked into the room, and logged it in his memory to discuss with Natasha later. He decided to break the silence in the room, “Why don’t we order pizza tonight?”

Natasha nodded, ‘and we can put on a film. What do you fancy Pete?”

Peter looked thoughtful for a moment. “Can we watch lion king?”

If the two adults were surprised by his choice they did a good job of hiding it, but Wanda just rolled her eyes, “Disney?? Really? I think I’ll give that a miss. I’m going to watch Buffy in my room.”

Natasha shook her head, “No you are not. You know you are not allowed to watch TV in your room. Plus you are grounded, so you can watch a film with us, or you can go to bed.”

Natasha had always strictly enforced the no tv in the bedroom rule, she framed it to young witch as being because she wanted her bedroom to be a place of rest and that she wanted her to socialise. It was a good cover for the truth. Natasha knew Wanda still suffered from flashbacks and nightmares, therefore she wanted to carefully monitor what the young woman was watching. Especially before she went to sleep. The truth was carefully concealed from the teenager as Natasha knew Wanda would not react well to her protectiveness.

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