Chapter 30

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I sat rigidly on the worn-out wooden bench, my emotions churning within me like a tempestuous sea. My jaw clenched, and my knuckles turned white as I tightly gripped the edge of the seat. Anxiety consumed me, but I fought to keep a stoic façade.

With each passing second, my impatience grew, mingling with a deep concern for Ellie's well-being. Thoughts raced through my mind, wondering what could have caused her delay, and if she was safe. My eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of her, my worry escalating with each person who passed by.

I forced myself to take slow, deep breaths, attempting to quell the waves of anger and shock threatening to overcome me. I knew that unleashing my emotions wouldn't help the situation. Instead, I focused on maintaining a composed exterior, even as my insides churned with worry.

Time stretched on, each minute feeling like an eternity. My mind raced with a torrent of possibilities, imagining worst-case scenarios. Was she hurt? Lost? My heart ached at the thought, and I longed for the moment when I would see her and find out that she was safe.

Though frustration and concern battled within me, I reminded myself to remain patient. In the midst of my turmoil, I held onto the hope that Ellie would appear, her presence bringing solace and answers to the questions tormenting my mind.

As my thoughts continued to spiral into a whirlwind of worry, a figure emerged from around the corner, causing my heart to skip a beat. It was Ellie, but something was different. Her normally confident stride was replaced with cautious steps, and her eyes darted around the park, searching for any signs of pursuers. Instantly, concern etched deep lines onto my face, mirroring the fear reflected in her eyes.

I rose from the bench, my legs feeling unsteady beneath me. "Ellie," I called out softly, trying to mask the urgency in my voice. She turned towards me, her body tense and on edge, before finally recognizing me. A flicker of relief crossed her face, momentarily easing the tension in her features.

Her pace quickened, and she hurried over to where I stood, her eyes never ceasing their vigilant scan of our surroundings. I reached out, gently grasping her trembling hands, silently conveying my support and reassurance. The touch seemed to ground her, as her shoulders relaxed slightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice laced with genuine concern. Ellie's breath hitched, her gaze locking with mine as she nodded, unable to find words amidst the lingering fear. It was clear that something had shaken her, something she wasn't ready to share just yet.

Wrapping my arm around her, I guided her back to the bench, offering a comforting presence as we sat down together. We remained in silence for a moment, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air.

Knowing that patience was key, I gently squeezed her hand, giving her the space and time she needed to gather her thoughts. Whatever had transpired, I wanted her to know that I was there to listen and support her, no matter what. As the minutes passed, the tension gradually began to subside. With a deep breath, Ellie finally turned towards me, her voice quivering but determined. 

Ellie's voice trembled as she struggled to find the right words to describe the horrors she had endured. Her eyes, once filled with vibrant energy, now reflected a profound darkness and pain. I could feel her reliving the terrifying moments, as if the memories were etched into her very being.

"They... they wanted to make an example out of me," Ellie finally managed to say, her voice choked with tears. "They wanted to ensure that I understood the consequences of defying them. That night was meant to be a constant reminder of their power over me, a reminder that they could hurt anyone close to me."

"Who?" I asked softly


Her housekeeper. Her friend. Her person.

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