Chapter 20

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I took a deep breath as I approached the entrance to the packed room where everyone had migrated to. My heels clicked against the floor as I made my way inside, and I couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by the sea of people in front of me. I welcomed the feeling, to have anything override the sheer anger and hurt that I left with when I jabbed Nate's feet.

That burst of violence was something so unusual from me. I allowed him to get me to that point and I hated him even more for it.

As I pushed open the door, the noise level increased, and I was immediately hit with a wave of heat from the many bodies in the room. It was packed with people of all ages, dressed in their finest clothes and chatting animatedly with one another. Their bellies were stuffed from all the dinner and now they were reading for the drinks. I knew the events of the night... the ladies would mingle around and slowly, the real men that wheeled society would slowly leave the room. To really discuss new events.

Rarely a female would follow. Very rarely. And it was those females that were worse than the men.

I took a moment to pause and scan the room, my eyes searching for my father. Eventually, I spotted him at the centre of the room, surrounded by a group of his closest friends and colleagues. I made my way through the throngs of people, trying not to bump into anyone as I went.

The air was thick with the scent of perfume and cologne, and the room was decorated with lavish bouquets of flowers and ornate decorations. Waiters in crisp black uniforms glided between the guests, offering trays of champagne and cigars.

As I made my way closer to my father, I couldn't help but feel a little unsure of my intentions. Did I want to speak to him? Hell no.

I hold in my pursue and turned on my heel. Tonight, called for no mingle and just standing in a corner until everyone left. And then I would go and scream in my pillow. I stood in the corner of the crowded room, my eyes fixed on the entrance. I knew what I was doing. I was waiting for Nate, and I couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

As the door swung open, my heart rate picked up. I watched as Nate stepped through, his tall frame immediately catching my attention. He had a confident stride, and as he scanned the crowd, I could see why he captured eyes when he entered earlier.

I couldn't help but notice the way heads turned as Nate made his way across the room. He had a presence that demanded attention, and it was hard not to be drawn to him.

A few ladies started muttering amongst themselves, clearly discussing him with how they kept shooting him glances. Did they know him? Probably everyone knew him, and I was the only dumb dame bending over his words. My heart skipped a beat as Nate's piercing eyes met mine, and a small frown formed on his lips/

I could feel a wave of anger and frustration building up inside me as he began to make his way towards me, his eyes fixed on mine.

As he drew closer, I couldn't help but feel trapped. I had been hoping to avoid him the rest of the night and his presence was the last thing I wanted.

Nate looked at me with no expression, and I could see the same old smirk, forming slowly and lurking in the corners of his mouth. I tried to mask my feelings, but I knew that my face was betraying me.

For a moment, we just stood there, neither of us saying a word. The noise of the crowded room seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us in our own little bubble.

I could feel my anger boiling up inside me, and I wanted nothing more than to scream at him for his past transgressions. But instead, I just stood there, seething in silence.

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