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Ravenna had her eyes closed, breathing through her nose lightly. Her hand was resting gently on her stomach, almost wishing she was farther along to feel something. She knew it was far too early to feel anything, but it would give her a peace of mind. She did have an ultrasound when she was in Japan and they confirmed she was about ten weeks along at that time. Ravenna just wanted that confirmation for herself, feeling something could put her mind at ease.

The next part actually kinda scared her - when Roman came up with this brilliant plan, he certainly didn't think Tej would suggest falling out of a fucking plane. Ravenna picked her car, getting as ready as she could, with Roman breathing down her neck. She kept having to shoo him away until she nearly tore his head off. Ravenna knew why he was doing it, and she did appreciate the concern. But Ravenna wasn't going to lie, falling out of a plane onto a mountain road was never something she thought she'd ever have to do.

Ravenna opened her eyes, grabbing a handful of oyster crackers that she packed. She was hiding the pregnancy and the morning sickness fairly well so far. Even back in Japan, Ravenna was pretty good at hiding it. Raven tossed the crackers into her mouth, munching on them slowly. Ravenna was just happy that her morning sickness wasn't as bad as others, but she felt for the people who were getting sick throughout their entire pregnancy.

She could hear the subtle beeping of Tej's phone game on the radio.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Oh no, here it comes." Raven muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes.

"From the streets. You know what I'm sayin'?" Roman scoffed. "It's nothin'." The plane jerked, almost giving them all a signal that they were almost over the target area. Ravenna reached over, attached the safety harness around herself.

"Hey Roman, you freaking out, ain't ya?" Tej asked.


"Yeah, you are."

"I said no."

"Listen, man, it takes a grown man to embrace his feelings. If you need to cry, just go ahead and cry." Tej said. Ravenna chuckled to herself, shaking her head. She glanced around to the others, seeing Brian and Letty laughing at the exchange between Tej and Roman. "As your friend, you know I'm concerned about your well-being, which is why I took the precaution of putting some adult diapers in your glove compartment." Tej teased.

"Yo! Can you just chill out, man?"

Tej instantly laughed.

"I have seen some crazy shit, Dom," Ravenna looked over at the radio, hearing Mr. Nobody coming through from the Agency's base in California. He was running point for them, making sure they did the mission correctly. "But this really could make some waves, so let's just try to keep it as low-key as possible, huh?"

Ravenna scoffed.

"Don't I always?"

"I'll tell you what. You knock it down a couple of notches this time and... I'll swap out my Belgian for a keg of Corona."

"You'd be doing yourself a favor there."

"Can somebody just walk me through what we supposed to be doin'?" Roman asked, for about the hundredth time since they boarded the plane with their cars.

Ravenna picked up the radio.

"Come on, Rome, this was your plan. You gotta embrace it." Brian said.

"No, this was not my plan."

"How'd you think we were going to get to the top of the mountain, Rome?" Ravenna asked. "We had to get up there somehow." Ravenna leaned forward, looking at the lights that were alerting them they were moments away from falling.

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