Chapter 2: After the world splititled Part 2

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The Hosijiro family changed its named and lives under the family name Hoshimiya. And 3 (Ichigo and her parents) of them  were  6 years younger than supposed age like Ichigo turned into 6 years old half years and  Raichi's age  change by subtracting 3  and was 2 yrs old. The family looked around the house and found that the four of them in this world were already  a family. For 2 days they stayed at home and didn't came out but till then they observed the surrounding for a while and next day 4 pm in the evening everyone gathered and presented all the info they know of this world Hoshimiya family. They seemed to know everyone in the neighborhood and all the people within 150 m radius near their house. And their neighbor seemed to know them since 5 years ago that's when they moved here. And their neighbor's daughter is best friend of Ichigo in this world/ They also found out that the mother runs a family diner named "Nandemo Bento". Father is explorer who travels the world to discover new things of the world. As for the 3-year old kid Raichi is known by everyone and seems to tag around his mother a lot which is no different. Then the father and daughter duo come up with a idea.

They said: We must act as what we have witnessed so far. And seems like everyone on the neighborhood will be sound asleep by 11:30 pm. So then we can start searching for our family members who are also in this world.

Ichigo's father says: Tomorrow we will hire a babysitter to look after Raichi, close the shop and look for them then.

Then Ichigo has a great idea, she said: What if we slowly show interests that this family would never show but can show and it must be what we are like in our own world and also without closing the shop. If we start applying this, then we won't look suspicious and people will think we just want to have new change in pace and are following in our new interests. Everybody looks at her and says: That's a great idea and it will help as a lot. Then they go back to what this world family supposed to on basis. The father on pretense of on a break and started doing work from home stays at home in his study room. The mother goes to the diner.

With Ichigo

Ichigo goes to her best friends Aoi and they hand out. And on their middle of hangout Ichigo saw karate people and had nobody noticing smirk and put her plan into action. She suddenly said she want to try karate to fight and also to protect himself. The went to a dojo and joined it only to be released after 10 min since they have into and left.

With Ringo,Ichigo's mom

At 4:45 pm evening, somebody (staff) enters and says: Excuse me! I would like to order - tempura bento, sukiyaki bento, chicken katsu bento, teriyaki bento, chicken kaarage bento, salmon bento, vegetable bento, sushi bento, egg rolls and some pickle and it is for 15 people so can u make them 15 in 3 hours and make all the ordered ones as number as u like, my only request is 15 of them with as asked bentos with pickles for each 15 box and among those 15 ones can u make 2 surprise egg rolls box and I will come to pick up in 3 hours. It's for the crew we are 15 min away and here's my number (gives a card) inform me as soon as its finished.

Ichigo mother: Sure, have a great day! And I will take the payment as u come to pick them up.

Staff: I am sorry, it's kinda last minute but I hope u take care of it.

Ichigo's mom: Okay, I will thank u for visiting!

Goes to look for the ingredients! Surprising finds all of them in the fridge but it will take time so I need help and space is big enough for 4 or 5 people to work together.

Ichigo's mother: Honey! Is your work done?

Ichigo's father: Yea just 2 min!

Ichigo mother: Come help me cook,we got a big order of 15 boxes of bentos.

~Airens : [Aikatsu legendary warriors] ~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora