Health Scare

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I have been working along with Char on the posts for Diverse Beauty for almost a month and a half. The content has gone through really well. We have 300k followers already and the account and posts get hundreds of thousands of likes, comments and shares each time. Meetings have been strictly with Kirk and the content creators. I even found a job for Nude in the company. She's been helping me and Char with the sponsors.

I heard that there's a general meeting coming up soon for all of the departments of Diversity with Sam to get her up to date with the content, share ideas and see where else we can expand. I have been trying to mentally prepare for seeing my sister again after so many years, but I know I'm not ready yet.

How would I explain why I left and didn't take her with me? Why didn't I go to see her at Song's funeral? There's so many things that I want to tell her especially about Char and Song, but I know she will ask for explanations first. How will she react when she knows I have a son? Will she tell Grandmother about him?

I had a meeting today with Ms. Kornkamon regarding my loyalty to Diversity. I was contacted by Ms. Nita Jensen, the owner of our competition. I knew her before from the pageant world. She was interested in me at some point, but that's when I met Char so she never stood a chance. I already had my answer, but I was also curious about what Ms. Nita would be willing to do in order to get ahead of Sam. At the last minute I couldn't go because Song got sick. I asked Char to go on my behalf instead.

I know she was probably half way through the meeting when I called, but I had to let her know I was going to take Song to the hospital if he didn't get better.

Char: "I'm on my way home." She hung up before I could refuse. She got home 30 minutes later, kissed my cheek and grabbed Song. "How is he?"

P'Fa: "He's doing a little better. His fever went down so that's good, but I still think we should take him to the hospital just in case."

Char: "Ok, let's go. Do you have his things ready?" I nodded and grabbed the keys to the car.

We drove to the nearest emergency room and talked to the nurse on call. Chompu, a friend of the pageant, knew a doctor here that could check the baby as soon as possible.

P'Fa: "Excuse me, ma'am. We're trying to see doctor Yoo Hye-jung. It's kind of an emergency."

Nurse: "Ok, what is your name?"

P'Fa: "Engfa Waraha. Please tell her our friend Chompu sent us." A few minutes later the nurse was letting us into the doctor's office.

Hye-jung: "Hi Mrs. and Mrs. Waraha, I am doctor Yoo Hye-jung. Who might this cutie be?" She looked at Song who finally stopped crying after hours and caressed his hair. "May I take him?" Char nodded. The doctor grabbed Song and started checking his heart rate and temperature.

Char: "I'm Charlotte and this is Engfa. His name is Song. He's been feeling feverish all day. We tried lowering his temperature, but we want to know if this might be something other than a common cold."

Hye-jung: "Hmm any other symptoms other than fever?"

P'Fa: "He's been sneezing a lot, runny nose and he vomited twice."

Hye-jung: "Sounds like he's got influenza. I will do a physical exam just to confirm the diagnosis." Char gasped and started crying.

Char: "My beautiful boy, how could this have happened?"

Hye-jung: "Has anyone been in contact with him that might be sick?"

P'Fa: "Since we both work, there's a world of possibilities on who could have gotten him sick. Is he going to be ok?"

Hye-jung: "He will be fine. I'm going to give you a prescription for antiviral medicine that will help ease the symptoms and it will lessen the chance of him developing an ear infection. Other than that, with lots of rest and plenty of fluids he will be perfectly fine in a couple of days." The doctor wrote down the prescription and gave it to me since Char was holding Song. "If anything changes or you see that he has trouble breathing bring him back to the hospital immediately ok?"

P'Fa: "Thank you doctor." I shook her hand.

Hye-jung: "It's my pleasure." She shook Char's hand and ruffled Song's hair. "I'll see you later buddy. Get better soon."

I released the breath that I had been holding since we came into the doctor's office. This was our first health scare regarding Song so we might have panicked a bit, but I'm glad he's going to be okay. After we left the hospital, I went to the pharmacy and got the medicine that the doctor gave Song and some cold presses to keep lowering his temperature. By the time I got back to the car, Song was already fast asleep.

When we got home Char put in his crib and cranked up the volume on the walkie talkie in case he started crying in the middle of the night. She walked into our room and plopped down on the bed. I stroked her back and gave her neck a massage so she would relax.

Char: "Well that was scary."

P'Fa: "I know. Sometimes I forget we're not immune to diseases. I always imagine Song happy and healthy as every little kid should be." I laid down beside her. "Hey, I totally forgot. How was the meeting with Ms. Kornkamon?"

Char: "I forgot about it too, don't worry. It was good. Nita showed up. I think she recognized me, but I acted as if I didn't know her." Nita had participated in a couple of pageants with us as well.

P'Fa: "How is she?"

Char: "Probably heart broken that she never got a chance to date you." I laughed.

P'Fa: "You know after I laid eyes on you, I never looked at another woman that way again."

Char: "Good." We shared a kiss. "Anyways, they both tried to persuade me, but I know that you will never leave Sam so after you called, I just let them know that we weren't interested in Nita's offer."

P'Fa: "Perfect."

Char: "I think I saw Sam on the way out though." WHAT?!

P'Fa: "Did she see you??"

Char: "No, I don't think so." I sighed. "I think you should meet with her soon baby. You're already here, it's stupid to waste time and not be with your sister."

P'Fa: "I know, I know. I think we will meet sooner than I'm ready for." 

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